You need to be very careful when choosing a resume writing service as anyone can put up a sign that they write resumes. In fact, a company that surreptitiously ranks itself as “#1” actually sends the résumés abroad to be produced and produces very bad and broken English résumés. Other firms offer nothing more than a prettier format than what you have.

This is how the industry works and what to look for when selecting a resume writing service.

1) Unless you think you’re like everyone else, avoid factories. These are usually the ones that say they are associated with Monster, Career Builder, or The Wall Street Journal. All it means is that they pay a royalty to job boards on every sale and are doing a lot of business. That means they use cookie cutter templates to produce a resume, so unless you’re comfortable with that, find someone who will spend the time to understand how unique it is.

two) How does the website look? If they can’t organize your website and make it look attractive, then they can’t do it with your resume. However, this is not the only criterion to use. I know of a company with mediocre writers who are successful solely because they have a cool website.

3) The resume writing firm must have some credentials. The most common is the Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) Designation that indicates that they have at least surpassed some level of competition.

With that said, look for credentials beyond the CPRW designation. Do people have impressive backgrounds? Many sites will tell you nothing more than their CPRW designation. Great writers have great achievements, so look to see if they’ve been published in books and, Most importantly, know their business background. Did they go to a good school? Did they rise through the ranks in business? Being in human resources is good and being an executive is even better as they have been the decision makers behind the hiring process and have shown the skills to stand out.

4) Take a look at their samples. If you don’t like their samples, you probably won’t like their work. See if they’re focusing on skills and accomplishments instead of producing pretty resumes that just list job duties.

5) Check out your resume writing process and make sure you can talk to someone. A good resume cannot be written from a questionnaire alone, and a good resume writing firm will insist on talking to you. This way, they can ask you insightful questions that highlight skills and accomplishments that impress an employer. If they don’t interview you, it means their writers aren’t strong enough to have an intelligent conversation with you.

A really good resume writing firm will use both a questionnaire and a phone interview. The quiz will refresh your memory and make you think a bit about things you hadn’t considered including before. In fact, it not only helps you produce a better resume, but also helps you prepare for a job interview. high level executives I would insist in a questionnaire and phone interview and there is no reason why you can’t get the same VIP treatment.

6) Get a free evaluation of your resume. If they don’t offer one, they’re probably too weak to offer a good review, or they rely on high volume and are one of the “factories” that use templates.

Then see if they call or email you a review. Email evaluations are usually standard templates with some modified words and can be produced by anyone. I know of a company that produces a lengthy 3-4 page review that is 99% canned with 2 sentences added by stay-at-home moms. A really good company isn’t afraid to talk to you to understand your needs and how they can help.

7) Call the company. Do you talk to a salesperson or a resume writer? If you’re talking to a vendor, then it’s probably more of a factory that does high volume and uses “cookie cutter” templates.

If you’re talking to a resume writer, ask them about their background and what they have done in their career (see #3).

8) Do you offer guarantee? A good service will support your work and offer to review your resume for free if it doesn’t work out. You’ll want to choose a resume writing service that stands behind their product.

9) Is there a stamp of approval? Look for the BBB Online Reliability Seal that shows it’s a safe and trustworthy site.

10) Ask for the price. Yes, price is important, but not as important as getting a working summary. The difference between a mediocre resume and a great one can be as little as $100 (the cost of a dinner out). This is one of the most important documents in your career, so it makes sense to spend whatever it takes to get a resume that you know will work.

The Internet is a wonderful thing, but it has made it possible for anyone to offer resume writing services, regardless of their background. Use this 10-point checklist and you’ll be guaranteed to choose the right resume writing service for you.

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