Sexual abuse: Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge the Real Animal House

The Frat Boys Mentality! You can do whatever you want without affecting your career as long as you don’t worry about the women you abused. Everything comes back to haunt you eventually. When you look back over the centuries, men have abused women. It wasn’t until the 20th century that laws were passed to protect …

Mixed Martial Arts: An Introduction to Mixed Martial Arts

The popularity of mixed martial arts contests like the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) has exploded over the last decade. However, some may still wonder what exactly mixed martial arts is. Well, up to a point it’s just what the name implies. It is the combination of different martial arts and incorporating those techniques into one’s …

Sailing in San Diego: Could there be a better place to spend a sailing vacation than San Diego?

The best weather, excellent photography: San Diego Sailing for you …. This article focuses on all that San Diego has to offer. Located in the state of California, San Diego promises to be a pleasure. Enjoy because it offers the exciting features and benefits of San Diego Sailing. Flanked by skyscrapers that can challenge airplanes, …