Lawsuit filed against Tulare and California’s Kern County

The plaintiff, Jamyson Harris, filed a lawsuit against Tulare and Kern County in California. File number 18-cv-00699-LJO-BAM. The accusations include kidnapping and child abuse. In the fall of 1991, Jamyson, along with his brother and sisters, were taken to Tulare County Social Services in Porterville, California. By her mother’s roommates. Roommates falsely accused her mother …

Virtually Speaking – Give your best for virtual meetings

Depending on when your community, business, or country issued a stay-at-home policy, it could now be weeks or months since you started working from home. Not surprisingly, the way you ‘appear’ to the world has also changed. As work from home began and communication shifted to virtual conversations, most people maintained a level of professionalism …

How to Cure a Thrush Safely: The Same Method I Used to End My Battle With Yeast Infections

Yeast infection is commonly called “candidiasis”, which is a fungal infection that ranges from a superficial disease to a systemic and life-threatening disease. It has been plaguing not only women but also men and even children. There are ways on how to cure a yeast infection safely. Over their lifetime, 75% of women are likely …

Docile versus non-tame dogs or why some dogs obey better than others

Instinctively, dogs are hunters and scavengers, some more than others. Even today, the genes of certain breeds howl incessantly from the adrenaline rush of the chase and the thrill of victory for their hunt. Nature endowed them with that extraordinary impulse to continue existing. Dogs with low prey drive are content to sit on your …

The positive and negative effects of addictions

Every individual has their own addiction, whether it be an addiction to food and drink, shopping, or even banned drugs. Some people find it helpful to be addicted to something, as addiction helps build self-esteem, build self-confidence, and relax nerves. Some also become addicted to something because it is through their addiction that they can …