The resurrection of film culture in Nigeria

Movies like The Primitive, Primitive Man, Buffalo Hill were considered suitable, while Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde, The Island of Forgotten Sins, House of Frankenstein were considered unsuitable for viewing. The traveling Yoruba theater troupe of the 1960s and 1970s is known to be the arrowhead of film productions in Nigeria. They took their theatrical …

Kick the bucket of death, be lost, bite the dust, check and feel no pain

It is very difficult for humans to say the words “he/she/they died”. What a wonderful number of euphemisms for death we have. We pass, we croak, we kick the bucket, we come home, we expire, we succumb, we leave, we meet our creator, we go to our bounty, we waste ourselves, we take a look, …

Sell ​​a Script – Contact Production Companies

When it comes to selling a script, reaching out to production companies can be a surprisingly effective strategy in terms of how to sell a script. It’s an often overlooked strategy because, to be honest, most people don’t know where to start. A copy of the Hollywood Screenwriting Directory would be particularly helpful in this …