Aura reading: you can learn to read auras by yourself

Auras seem to be artifacts of our interactions with all the rest of creation to manifest what we need in our world. Auras are a kind of visual key to understanding the negotiation or mediation processes between our conscious, subconscious and unconscious desires and our collective superconsciousness, which is our link to creation through which …

Environmental Awareness – Promotion Vs Education

“I can do little things every day that will have an impact on water pollution.” It’s such a simple statement, and it’s true. So why is it so difficult to send a message, whether on the radio, online or in print, that really elicits that reaction? Unfortunately, many environmental messages accidentally evoke a completely different …

How companies are reducing data storage costs while increasing effectiveness

While technology has enabled businesses to cut costs in many areas, proper storage of digital information comes at a price. Yet most companies are paying more than they need to for data solutions and getting less protection than they need to keep their data – and their business – safe from disasters. How a lack …

Being investigated by the IRS? Learn the 4 main steps of the IRS and escape from their traps

One of the few: If the IRS is investigating you for back taxes, you are one of the few. It is rare for people to be criminally investigated by the IRS. But if there is strong evidence of your crime, the IRS will send its qualified police force. Especially if it involves more than $10,000 …

Where do stink bugs come from and how to get rid of them

As the seasons change and the weather gets colder, it’s normal to see more bugs indoors as they try to find shelter. One of the most common pests in the Kentuckiana region is the stink bug, Halyomorpha halys. Recognizable by its grayish-brown color and “shield-shaped” body, it is annoying and also emits an unpleasant odor. …