Enchanted Available Directly From Pay-Per-View HD Satellite TV

The little girls of our nation today are devoted fans of the Disney princesses. With cherished favorites like Cinderella and Belle from Beauty and the Beast branching out into second and third movies, it’s no surprise they’re getting so much exposure. Ask any five-year-old what kind of birthday cake she wants, and usually she’ll be …

Protect your basement from recession with a wine cellar

In a bad economy, what sells? According to the Nielson Company, people buy much more practical items such as canned goods, food storage products, and spend much less money on entertainment and outings. Less time away from home has translated into a huge increase in wine and spirits sales! People don’t go out for alcohol, …

Letter from Santa Claus: A look at the 3 types of modern letters from Santa Claus

A letter from Santa Claus could possibly be the most magical gift you give your children this year. Letters from Santa Claus can really light up a child’s face, especially younger children who still believe in Santa Claus, the Elves and his workshop at the North Pole. The traditional letter from Santa used to be …

Catering Tips for Planning a Catered Corporate Meeting

For corporate meeting caterers, the success of the initial catered event will most likely lead to repeat business from this company, whether it is a doctor’s office, law firm or corporate headquarters. To make the best initial impression when catering a corporate meeting or business event, several guidelines should be followed to ensure guests enjoy …