I want to share with you all how I lose belly fat using this program. By applying these unique dietary strategies and secret training techniques, you’ll no longer be self-conscious about taking your shirt off on the beach, and you’ll no longer force yourself to wear baggy shirts to help hide your tummy… Before you do, I just want you to know that after my girlfriend saw and felt my success with Lose The Belly Fat, she can’t keep her hands off me. my girlfriend also started using this program. After only 1 month, I can see her butt and her thighs TIGHT and FIRM. Oh, and the pouch of hers on her lower stomach that always stuck out of her shirt is finally starting to go away. So yeah…to answer that question that is burning in your mind… This Lose The Belly Fat program works for both men and women.

1. Eat Less Food and You’ll Lose Weight But it only made your body fat percentages skyrocket.

I always thought I was fat because I ate too much and if I ate less I could lose belly fat. Let me tell you something… Eating less just made my body fat percentages skyrocket. I won’t lie to you, I lost weight… but guess what? I got it all back. I couldn’t understand why until I read that restricting calories for too long will cause you to lose muscle tissue and retain more body fat.

Now I’m following this great eating plan in this program that actually allows me to eat MORE food, not less…and like I said, I can already see my abs. Not to mention, other areas of my body look firm and fit.

2. Crunches and crunches WILL NEVER GET YOUR abs flat.

For years, he made hundreds of pitchers every day. My abs were always sore, but never toned, and I always had that extra belly fat covering them up. After just 3 weeks of using the unique moves in this program, I noticed some wrinkles in the mirror when I was in the bathroom. By the way, those ridges were my abs finally coming out!

3. Fat burning pills, magic pills, metabolic pills are a waste of money…

This is my fucking fault. I used to stay up late and watch all those boring infomercials promising how their “extreme fat burners” were the key to losing belly fat and removing it from my body for good. Well a thousand bucks later and I still haven’t lost my belly fat. I learned on this show how to use natural foods that are better for burning fat than ANY pill.

4. Fat-free foods will help you burn fat.

Unfortunately, this is also another myth. Fat-free foods actually cause your body to store more body fat due to the chemicals and the way the food is over-processed. In this program, I learned about dozens of delicious natural foods that allowed me to lose belly fat faster than when I ate “low-fat” or “fat-free” foods.

5. Ab loungers, ab rockers, ab scissors, and most other ab machines are a WASTE OF TIME!

All those fancy commercials look so appealing with the way they have these sexy models working out and saying they got their bodies using the “state of the art” ab machine that is scientifically proven to target your abs more than crunches and squats. . I found out in this program that most of these ab machines are actually LESS effective at losing belly fat than the unique exercises I learned that use no equipment at all.

6. More cardio does NOT help you lose belly fat.

I know this because I usually follow the advice in every magazine that tells me to run 4 miles then bike for 20 minutes and then do 6 “unique” crunch variations. Sounded good, but… I still didn’t see my abs or lose belly fat until I STOP doing the long, boring cardio and started doing the unique style of workouts I found in this program. In fact, I saved time by doing these shorter but more effective workouts that you’ll discover in a minute.

7. Healthy food is not always healthy.

Many of the so-called “health foods” are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that actually encourage you to gain more belly fat…yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you in order to maximize your profits.

Let’s learn the REAL TRUTH about how to lose belly fat [http://www.thesecretconcept.com] Now!

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