Lyon is a city in east-central France. The city is the third largest in the country and has a population of 1,648,216 inhabitants. Lyon is crossed by the Saone and Rhone rivers, which converge south of the city center. The city began as a Roman colony in 43 BC. C., but it did not begin to prosper until the Middle Ages. In the 15th century, the city became an international banking center, while in the 19th century, Lyon developed as a center for the silk trade. The city was occupied by German troops during World War II, but it was also a famous center of resistance. Many locals managed to escape the Gestapo by using the narrow corridors (Traboules) around the city, which were originally used to transport silk. The Traboules have been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Although Lyon is a bustling modern city, it has some wonderful historical sites. The Fourviére area is home to impressive architecture, among which the Basilica of Notre-Dame Fourviére and the beautiful Archiepiscopal Palace stand out. Equally fascinating is the area on the western bank of the Saone River, which is home to the original medieval city and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For nature lovers, Lyon offers a host of beautiful parks, including the Tête d’Or Park, which is also home to a charming zoo and botanical gardens. Just 30 minutes from the city is the impressive Pilat Nature Reserve, which is well worth a visit at any time of the year.

Lyon is a famous shopping paradise, and visitors should take a trip to the luxurious Carré d’Or district. For less expensive but equally charming purchases, shoppers should explore the area around Rue Victor Hugo; While buyers looking for unique or antique items should visit Rue Auguste Comte.

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