Our ‘challenges of the times’ are being amplified and perpetuated by

a self-defeating mode of representation.

We have a party that is doing everything it can to improve the human condition,

while the sole purpose of the other party, as Mitch McConnell often asserts, is to

the ‘gop’ to obstruct any progress towards that goal.

Every day it is more evident that this

self-defeating mode of government will eventually fail,

it’s just a matter of time


the rate of our failures is now exponentially out of control…

The empire is crumbling, our society has been divided and is now vulnerable to collapse.


Our only hope is to create more communities that fight for

a more conscious perspective of unconditional love,

thinking ahead to plan a better future,

inclusive of all human beings and living species together with

a conscious consideration for our only planet.

A community in which politics, race, religion, class or creed…

we do not have a dominant destructive force currently keeping us

locked in hate, division and is fueled by

misinformation, greed and narcissistic political motives

that please the rich, fuck the poor

and push the middle class further into poverty.

If we had all the time in the world…

within a few dozen generations,

We might see a little bit of hope.

When our country was formed, we had that kind of time.

We’ve wasted our infinite potential

with an insane way of ruling what should be

the largest nation in the world.

There is no way to undo all the damage the Republican Party has done to this country by

exploiting certain mentally vulnerable citizens into not taking any precautions to avoid, at best, a near-death covid experience.

The gop laughs at them,

‘they’ can blow your finger F’U

as a patriotic flag of his Idiocracy.

They have fooled all the blue collar middle class Republicans.

vote against their own best options for a better living condition


removing their own children from a reasonable future.


There is no way to take back those 4 years of tRump fucking and fucking

over 100 years of environmental agencies and policies.

You’ve convinced half the country of mentally vulnerable idiots

believe their lies of:

Global warming and pollution is a hoax: we need to explode more now.

Covid is a hoax, it will just go away, stop

don’t let anyone force you to wear a mask to avoid near death

or worse covid experience, to –

now that we have a vaccine, our society could have achieved safe and manageable ‘herd immunity’ and no longer need masks…

Goal Nnnnnnooooooooooo!

The Republican party has been spending millions of money and promotional efforts to make sure that no one has to wear masks, get vaccinated, or do anything remotely like help someone have a reasonable chance of getting back on track.

So, they promote not vaccinating, even though tRump did.


Trump recently tried to tell his mentally vulnerable and poorly educated white supremacist base:

“This delta variant is killing my supporters, time to cover up and get vaccinated, I did it, it works.”

Then the crowd immediately booed the almighty trump himself!

Once your base has been told ‘the lie’ often enough, there is no way to deprogram their bovine brainwashed minds.

They are dangerously stuck in bullshit.


Although the other party strives to find solutions to sustain a reasonable future,

the other half of the country wants to burn it down,

ignorantly condemning their own children to a future of oblivion

only to blow his ‘patriotic’ middle finger to common sense.


humanity is not going to stop dead

like jumping off a cliff to a quick death…

No, but the truth is that:

Quality of life

has been declining in recent decades

It will speed up exponentially.

Maybe like a lobster in a pot of boiling water,

We won’t notice much global warming at first…

But then, we won’t be so lucky to have a fortunately quick death.

This might be a good time to consider plans for

move to a more reasonable part of the world…

But oh yeah

Most of the rest of the world no longer trusts either ‘USA’. USA’

since Trump poisoned our perspective to everyone else.


Where will you stand to prevent the fall of the bankrupt empire?

It’s better to run… but then again, you can’t hide.

Better to go hiking!… or go sailing…

Find peace with yourself.

To inquire through the deep spiritual contemplation of

What is one’s true nature?

Find a place within that becomes your refuge from the chaos that surrounds you.

Start a serious meditation practice.

Become an evolutionary…find your own ways to

the evolution of the human condition.

When you return from nature or your happy place indoors…

Take that out to everyone else in an expression of loving acceptance.


You love the sinner, but not the sin.

You’re not accepting their sins, but

Just giving them ‘space’ within your perspective

so that it does not disturb your equanimity

and get you as angry as they are.

We are naturally inclined

to find things we have in common with others,

So we can have a nice conversation, or

find mutual ways to create a worthy project…

All people have something good in them,

even if they act like they are dangerously stupid, mentally vulnerable,

under educated, racist, xenophobic and pissed off white supremacy…

Give them ‘space’ within your perspective,

don’t let their powerfully emboldened ignorance affect your pace…

Focus on common ideals… we all have them,

I like:

leaving a sustainable planet for our children’s children…

Republican blue-collar families don’t

subjecting their own children to an uninhabitable planet…

unless their own political party continues to lie to them.

In this daze of common sense collapses,

where “truth” is what is repeated quite often, along with

the gop trying their best to find ways to divide us

with angry fury towards our neighbors and fellow citizens…

‘We the People’ need to unite for the betterment of all ‘WE’,

all Beings and consciously consider planning for a sustainable future

in the face of global warming and overwhelming pollution.

To do this, the tide must turn from our old self-defeating ways and

Transcend towards a more inclusive effort that is in the best common interests of all.

Each of us has a unique connection to certain others who can reach out to them in ways only that person can.

Be that person who takes the steps to humble the ego

and reach as an evolutionary inspiration.

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