The fear of aging continues to affect us today as individuals and as a society, as if the last years of life were nothing more than a testimony of uselessness and impotence, and only youth and strength were valued. For this reason, we whiten our teeth, dye our hair blonde, take male enhancement pills to promote more vigorous sexuality, and shun anything that visibly reminds us that our bodies are aging.

Today as yesterday, the phenomenon of aging is seen only with the outer eyes, focusing on the physical which is only the outer garment of the soul -something that does not travel with us after death- and leaving aside the most important part of aging. . which is the flowering of the spirit. This is one way that society continues to stray from its sacred origins that give each stage of life a particular sanctity and purpose. Misled into thinking that the physical is all there is, society expresses this belief in the way it relates to the human body.

However, despite its prevalence today, this way of relating is not a necessary way. It’s just the current form. If it were necessary for the teeth to turn yellow, and the hair gray, and the body to become weak, would that in any way diminish the strength of the heart or the spirit that dwells within? Clearly, how we measure things is a statement of what we value and what we downplay. And equally clear, we have the choice regarding the size of a man or a woman that we determine to wear.

It is time for humanity to see, know and understand that the clothing of the soul, which is the body, is sacred. He has come into this life with his soul to serve a sacred purpose, and after performing his service, he prepares to be cast aside. In the years prior to this detachment from the body, what is lost on the outer plane is often gained on the inside, and when this is not the case, it is often because those who contemplate their own physical weakness feel ashamed, and begin to identify more with your physical limitation than with what lives inside you. In this way, those who are aging are influenced by the opinions that we as a society have about them, so that for many it is almost inevitable that they come to have such opinions about themselves.

However, neither the fire of the heart nor the power of the spirit should diminish because the youth and strength of the body diminish. One day we will know and feel this, and honor the aging body in its beauty and expressiveness that has provided shelter for the spirit for so long. On that day, we will know that the only eyes worth looking through to determine the value of anything are the inner eyes, because the inner eyes see the truth of the soul, not the covering of the soul. They see the sacred essence of another, not the state of their bodily parts.

Blessed will be the day when humanity will revere the elderly and the elderly will revere themselves for having passed through the seasons of life and deducing from this passage what it had to offer.

May all come to know this day that precedes the passing of physical existence. And may all come to appreciate the process of life known as aging.

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