Installing water filters at home certainly has advantages in terms of water quality and life. They are popularly used in home environments, but have a number of limitations. Therefore, before making a purchase, it is advisable to study the pros and cons of these products to choose the type of water filter that best suits a person’s needs.


Ability to remove hazardous substances from tap water.

An ideal water filter can handle a wide range of contaminants, including chlorine, pathogenic bacteria, and arsenic. Therefore, anyone can use tap water for drinking and cooking without the need to worry about harmful contaminants that can negatively affect the health of a patient and their family.

Ability to improve the taste and smell of tap water.

When chlorine, other organic chemicals and sediment are removed from tap water, its taste will no longer be affected by the presence of such impurities, and fresh water can now be enjoyed.

Decrease in the consumption of bottled water.

Replacing bottled water with filtered water can result in less plastic use and contamination, as well as additional savings. Bottled water costs a lot more than filtered water, and this can add more to your budget.

Profitable investment

Since the initial investment, as well as the maintenance costs of the water filters are affordable, they can be considered a good investment in the short and long term.

Gentle on skin and hair.

Filtered water is healthy because it not only hydrates, but also protects skin and hair from the negative effects of hard water and chlorine. In addition, it is very effective in treating chlorine and lime deposits that can damage kitchen appliances.


It has a slow water outlet.

Installing a water filter will reduce the flow rate of the tap water. The reduction in water pressure may be easily or hardly noticeable, depending on the filtration method and the type of filter used by the product.

Maintenance required.

Each type of water filter requires some type of maintenance. The filter cartridge may need to be replaced by the user after a while or cleaned / disinfected. Either way, he / she has to follow these measures on a regular basis to ensure that the product remains in the best working condition.

It has limitations in the filtration method.

A water filter alone cannot handle all types of contaminants present in tap water. For this reason, the best filters are multi-stage ones that use different filtration methods and filters. Before installing one, users must first determine the contaminants that make their water less safe or tasty, so they can purchase a water filter that addresses those particular problems.

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