If you’re tired of your current routine, or just in the mood for something fun and new, check out the following water-based exercise ideas.

If you are tired of yoga…

Then turn to Ai Chi’s creative water-based program. The sport takes its name from the mainland sport of Tai Chi and involves deep, rhythmic breathing with slow, purposeful movements. It’s a relaxing, full-body experience that athletes of all levels will enjoy. Ai Chi helps its participants to increase oxygen levels, stability, flexibility and metabolic levels. If you’re ready to trade in your yoga pants for a bathing suit, check out the Ruth Sova Ai Chi I DVD, which introduces all the basics you need to know to start your Ai Chi journey.

If you’re sick of Pilates…

Then jump in the water to try a new strengthening and stretching routine. The Aquavee Pilates Plus system allows participants to perform Pilates-like movements while in the water. The simple system attached to the side of your pool with powerful suction cups. It features 8′ resistance bands for stationary swimming, helping to get your heart rate up to fat-burning levels. The bands come with 2 handle attachments with resistance bands and 2 leg attachments, also with other resistance bands. You are sure to love your new Pilates environment and the effect of water on muscle groups throughout your body.

If you’re bored of running…

Then it’s time to trade in your running shoes for a flotation belt. Traditional running belts help runners keep water afloat while working on cardiovascular endurance as well as strength training. Flotation belts are great because they allow your arms and legs full range of motion while keeping you comfortably afloat. In addition, you will be able to get an excellent cardiovascular workout without putting heavy pressure on the knee and ankle joints. If you’re a lean, running machine, you’ll be better equipped with the AquaJogger Pro Belt. Features 30% more buoyancy to help support slimmer builds.

If gym weights aren’t enough…

Then combine the power of weighted devices with the natural resistance of water. The compact size of the wrist and ankle weights may not seem like they would do much for the seasoned athlete, but these powerful training devices can help build strong, lean muscles while in the water. Weighing between 1 pound and 4 pounds each, water-specific dumbbells are typically covered in neoprene material that stays comfortable against the skin and prevents waterlogging. If you’re looking for a great pair of water dumbbells, All Pro has you covered. Its Aqua Ankle Weights and Adjustable Aqua Wrist Weights are ideal for swimming, water jogging, during aqua aerobics routines, or even while stretching. They add the perfect amount of loading exercise to any workout in the water. Try one or both pairs for muscle-building results in the water.

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