Auras seem to be artifacts of our interactions with all the rest of creation to manifest what we need in our world. Auras are a kind of visual key to understanding the negotiation or mediation processes between our conscious, subconscious and unconscious desires and our collective superconsciousness, which is our link to creation through which all our dreams manifest.

When we pray, meditate, or daydream, our auras become more charged and we may find that our prayers are answered, our thoughts have become reality, or our dreams have come true. We often attribute this type of experience to coincidence, but those of us familiar with the belief that we create our own reality understand that this is not coincidence; instead, those people know that this is our natural ability to directly manipulate reality, that we are developing on a level of our consciousness by using our thoughts and feelings to guide us.

There is a real interaction between us and the world around us on a subtle level that can be perceived by developing the talent to see auras. Everyone has this ability; it is an innate part of who and what we are. However, developing this talent to the point where we can consciously perceive and study auras can take a bit of work. By imagining that we already have the ability to do this, we can pave the way for turning this talent into a useful tool in our lives. While imagination may be our first step on this journey, our journey will continue beyond the limits of our imaginations and may manifest in a very real talent that helps us perceive the world around us more clearly and change this world from beginning to end. more deliberate way.

I find that auras appear as colors that move around and within a subject. With any given theme, there seem to be many colors associated with it, usually there are a few particular colors that seem to be dominant. The colors and their shapes and movements often change in response to my thoughts or the thoughts of my subject while I am studying them. The interactions of my thoughts with the colors of my subject’s aura help me begin to develop an idea of ​​what is going on in my subject’s life and what they may need to learn.

Each color or color combination seems to have its own theme, as follows:

Red —————— Vitality, Energy, the number 1

Red/Orange ——- Physical Activity, Vigor, number 4

Orange ————- Organization, Thought, the number 4

Orange/Yellow — Social Activity, Joy, the number 3

Yellow ————— Communication, Speech, the number 3

Yellow/Green —– Healing activity, Illness, the number 7

Green ————— Creativity, Health, the number 6

Green/Blue ——– Caring, Caring, the number 6

Blue —————– Devotion, Love, the number 2

Blue/Purple ——- Learning, Spirituality, the number 8

Purple ————– Wisdom, Compassion, the number 9

Purple/Red ——– Potential, abrupt change (often accidents or danger), the number 5

Note: The colors form a spiral or a circle and turn to red at this point.

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The following are some special exceptions to the colors I see most often in auras.

BROWN ———– Confusion, Opposition, Conflict, the number 5

CLEAR ————- An exceptionally spiritual being, spirit guides, the number 9

WHITE ————- Influence of very spiritual beings, guide, the number 7

GRAY ————– Influence of a less spiritual being, the bureaucracy, the number 8

BLACK ————- A being that indulges in harm to other beings, domination, the number 2

Note: The numbers attributed to each color are loosely associated with their numerological meanings. Tarot-logical and Astrological associations can also be attributed to each color.

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Generally, I have preferred to draw a portrait of my model on a rough-textured, neutral gray paper with pastel pencils. Drawing the underlying shape of my subject’s face takes around five minutes to create a light sketch, while the act of drawing helps me move into a more receptive and meditative state of mind where the colors start to become lighter.

If there are no dominant colors or patterns, then I consider each of the colors in order from red to purple/red in various repeating cycles until I feel a harmony of particular colors begin to emerge. (A set of color cards or a color wheel can be a useful tool for this purpose.)

Since colors move, I have to look at them for patterns and intensities and then montage the subjects I see so that the most striking or important parts are portrayed.

I talk to my subject as I sketch, making suggestions that return answers in my subject’s aura, helping me tease out the meanings of the colors and what is likely going on in my subject’s life that is shown in the aura.

The dark or cloudy parts of an aura generally represent secrets or information that my subject is repressing. Often these are things my subject is painfully aware of or trying to deny.

Clear, bright, or glowing parts of an aura indicate well-being and balance.

The glowing pieces represent an anticipation of impending events.

It is possible to see another person’s influences on my subject when my subject focuses on that person; then it may be apparent what role that other person plays and whether he will help or hinder my subject in any particular way.

Like all psychic practice, the reader must always take into account his own state of being and must be careful not to project details of his own life in the reading he gives to a subject.

My paper tablet becomes a special window for me. On the one hand, I restrain myself so as not to contaminate what I see through my window. The life of my subject appears to me through my tablet of paper. My paper tablet window helps me keep my reading focused on my topic while inhibiting me from interjecting a reading for myself in the process.

If you’re not artistically skilled, you can still use the paper tablet and colored pencils, instead of striving to produce a likeness of your subject’s physical features, dispensing with the portrait preamble and instead doodling as you study your subject until Let the inspiration come to start reading your will have.

My personal favorite color combination is green and purple. These two colors in combination represent art in the magical sense and creative activities like writing or painting in the more mundane aspect. Usually this color combination is accented with gold or yellow. This is the property by which Art or art speaks to us, transforming us.

The potential of Art (Magic) within the act of drawing a portrait is very strong. The reader may act as a healer and may attempt to downplay a theme that may be associated with pain or suffering, while emphasizing themes of happiness and spiritual advancement. But it is necessary to guide the subject when applying any Art, since the subject may need the lesson of a pending difficulty and the lesson must still manifest within his life in some way. In general, this type of lesson is repeated over and over again in the life of a subject; therefore the instruction can be drawn from their past, so that they can finally ‘get it’ and dispense with the need for many more repetitions of a lesson which can become potentially harmful or unpleasant in nature.

Art application seldom prevents the next cycle of this repetitive lesson from developing, but it may enhance the next cycle to a greater or lesser degree and the subject may learn better from the next repetition of their lesson if the reader has adequately prepared them for it. perceive and understand his lesson.

To begin your own exploration of auras, get some crayons and rough neutral paper. The reverse of brown paper bags is great for this. You can use photos, objects around your house, pets, plants, or people as your subject. Black and white photos are particularly good for this type of exercise. Set your subject against a neutral background, such as an empty white wall. Study your subject at the edges, if it is a person pay special attention to the crown chakra where the energy channel is usually strongest. (You can also try looking directly at a subject’s chakras.)

Personally, I find the edges of a subject’s profile to be the best places to start to see the interplay of colored light emanating from them. If you feel like you don’t see anything, then imagine what you think you could see if you could see auras. Take notes with the colored pencils and try to associate your thoughts with the colors while taking notes. You can do this simply by using the color crayon that seems most appropriate to write your thoughts. You are not required to organize your perceptions in the form of an image. Sometimes a thought can have a strong color and several colors associated with it. You can freely overwrite what you have written with the same words in a different color when you see fit, or you may find that new words emerge by selecting a new color in association with something you have already written or drawn.

Simply allow this to happen; don’t get too involved in how you do this or what you would like to know about a topic. Instead, open your heart and mind to every smallest thought and feeling and follow them wherever they lead.

Let your colored pencils dance on your pad of paper while your heart dances with creation…

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