Which is better for building your small business: Pinterest or Instagram?

Find out which platform your ideal users prefer and how to know if it’s right for you to grow your business Visual aggregation platforms for social media marketing really come down to the two main ones: Instagram and Facebook-owned Pinterest. They both have their own way of presenting images and allowing users to build the …

splendid countertops like waterfalls make an essential difference in the kitchen environment

Made of metal, wood, tile or marble and in various shapes and designs, kitchen countertops and islands set the stage for work and social gatherings. Do you prefer granite or marble, travertine, limestone or slate? Why not quartzite? The hard metamorphic rock known as quartzite began life as sandstone. Intense heat and pressure transformed it …

Driver Education Lesson Plans

Online driver education courses include text, videos, and animations to create an engaging and interactive online experience. The lessons include all the traditional driving safety information, such as the correct method for passing another vehicle. They also provide helpful additional information on how to handle crashes, road emergencies, or how to stay safe with unsafe …

40th birthday party – Ideas, themes and supplies to celebrate your party in style

40th birthday party: A person’s 40th birthday is a time to look back…and look forward to an exciting new chapter! Celebrate someone’s 40th birthday in style! With the right planning, decorations, and activities, you can throw a 40th birthday party that your honoree will remember for the next 40 years. Ideas: Greet your birthday guests …

Everything I know about leadership, I learned in a kindergarten class!

The other day I was asked to help out in a kindergarten class because their teacher had called in sick. While I am used to being at the front of the room leading seminars and trainings, I took great pleasure in sitting in the back as I watched the teacher’s assistant take the lead and …

The Atkins Diet: The Origin of Low-Carb Diets

The Atkins nutritional approach has been used nationally since the 1960s. Long before Dr. Robert Atkins published his popular low-carb diet plan, his patients were reaping the benefits of the Atkins diet. Dr. Atkins divided his eating plan into four phases. “Induction,” phase one, is designed to force the body into ketosis, a physical condition …

Presidents of the United States who went to Harvard

There are eight presidents of the United States who have graduated from Harvard. Five of the eight earned their undergraduate degrees from Harvard, while the other three received graduate degrees in business or law. The eight presidents of the United States who went to school at Harvard are: 1. John Adams – second president of …