The more prevalent the internet is in advertising a personal training business, the more it becomes an essential skill when someone starts a personal training business. Writing blog posts and articles can be one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to drive traffic to your website.

Some of the advantages could be that it costs nothing to get started, you can provide a good link to your websites, you can optimize with keywords relevant to personal training, and more specifically your personal training niche. Combine this with the fact that a good article website usually gets a lot of traffic and you have an option for other people to use your content on that site on the condition that they link back to your site.

Some downsides could be that it takes considerable time and commitment to write the required number of articles, it’s a long term strategy which means there’s no quick money here and there’s also the creative concern, how do you keep creating articles? quality? ?

Here are my top ten tips for writing blog posts and articles.

1. Commit to writing 3 times a week. Accept that it will take time and build your articles and blogs gradually. The more articles and blog posts with a link to your page, the more traffic and clicks you will accumulate.

2. Every time a Personal Training customer asks you a question, turn it into a blog post or article. You can also expand on each question, for example, if a customer asks you “how can I lose weight?” You could write about “how to lose weight” and another about “how to lose weight after 40” or “how to lose weight when you gain weight easily”, etc.

3. Use your articles and use them as inspiration for your blog posts, this saves time

4. Keep your articles to 400 words, keep your paragraphs short and easy to read, and keep your style easy to read and relaxed.

5. Have your keywords in the title of your article whenever possible and in the text of the article, do not exceed once every 100 words.

6. Don’t forget to enter your keywords, make sure they are relevant to your article and your niche

7. Always include a link to your site, remember the reason we write articles and blog posts is not to win journalistic awards, but to drive traffic to your website and demonstrate your expertise.

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