If you write, you are guaranteed, at some point, to face an empty page.

Even if a publisher assigns you a topic, the blank page can haunt you and make it hard to get started. And for some, the blank wasteland becomes more daunting the longer they are forced to face it.

Don’t let the blank page paralyze your production.

Blockages can often be alleviated by determining their root cause. Knowing why the words are not coming out can suggest methods to solve the problem. Here are seven common writers’ blocks and solutions you can employ to alleviate them.

1. The ending is unclear

You find yourself finishing a scene and all of a sudden the words just disappear. you are paralyzed You may not know how your story ends. If you don’t have a clear idea of ​​how the plot ends, it’s hard to write the words to get there.

Solution: Brainstorm possible endings. Even if none of the endings you can think of are “perfect”, choose one anyway. Having a goal should suggest possible scenes that need to be written, and writing those scenes should spark additional ideas. If no ending comes to mind, reread what has already been written with the ending in mind. Even if no ending is indicated, some plot trailer is likely to be revealed.

2. The “internal editor” won’t leave you alone

You are happy to write and you have great ideas, but they have to be expressed perfectly. He types a few words, deletes them, looks up the thesaurus, types some more, goes back again, never putting more than a few sentences on the page after hours.

Solution: Understand that no first draft is perfect. Give yourself permission to write nonsense. Be dramatic. Write purple prose. Ignore the compulsion to find a better way to say something or eliminate duplicate sentences. Allow yourself to get the idea down on paper while you’re still excited about writing it down.

Along the same lines, write whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about bad ideas, bad grammar, bad writing. Record your thoughts and keep the words flowing by reminding your inner editor that anything can be polished during a rewrite.

3. The blank page syndrome

Sometimes it’s just the blank page that holds us back. It can be difficult to get over the hurdle of writing the opening sentence, of knowing that the page needs to be filled.

Solution: free writing. Set a timer for a short period of time, five or ten minutes, and write down whatever comes to mind. Type the same word over and over again, if necessary, until your brain gets bored and leads you down another path.

4. The idea is too big

You’ve probably heard this old joke: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Maybe you are blocked because you are faced with an elephant idea. The thought of tackling everything at once can be daunting, especially at the beginning of a project where you haven’t figured out the whole thing.

Solution: Before you put pen to paper, consider all parts of the project. Break it down into smaller, more manageable parts and conquer them one by one. Create an outline or just write down the tasks or scenes as they come your way.

5. You are too tired to write

Pushing through fatigue is hard. The mind is numb, the words do not flow. It’s a chore to even make the effort. This might be the toughest challenge writers face.

Solution: exercise. A brisk walk, some calisthenics, or jogging around the block can be invigorating. Physical exertion sends more blood to the brain and prevents nervous tension. Or take a power nap. Cornell University social psychologist James Maas found that a 15- to 30-minute nap not only improves mood, but also improves alertness, memory, and overall cognitive performance.

6. You have run out of ideas

Sometimes the muse just doesn’t play nice. You have the time and the desire, but you cannot think of anything write.

Solution: trick your muse into having an idea. Find something by an author you admire and start writing the first few paragraphs of the story. However, instead of writing word for word, substitute his own words and ideas.

For example, Lewis Carroll through the looking glassbegins: “One thing was for sure, that the white kitten had nothing to do with it, it was the black kitten’s fault entirely.” Instead, he can write: “Green glass did not influence the project. Red glass remained fashionable and most desirable.” He keeps substituting his own themes, rewriting the prize structure to suit his style, until his mind decides to take over. Once the words start flowing, he stops copying and continues writing.

7. The Theme does not interest you.

This type of block usually appears when you have been assigned a task that you are not passionate about: a project for school or an article for a magazine or newspaper.

Solution: change the inclination. For example, you may be asked to cover a small town festival, but your interest is food. Research and write about the various sweets available. Or maybe you’ve been told to write about Shakespeare since you’re studying his plays at school, but music is your forte. Write your final paper on the music of that period and how it may have influenced Shakespeare.

Breaking writer’s block isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be debilitating. Know the cause and apply the solution. Knowing the problem can make all the difference.

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