I’d like to talk to you today about some really cool exercises that I think a lot of people don’t realize their full potential.

These are exercises you probably haven’t done before, and when added to your exercise routine, they’ll make your workouts absolutely explosive.

All right, let’s go ahead and get straight to the point.

The first exercise people never do is the front squat. This exercise is basically a squat with the bar in front of your body. As a result, they are much harder, but they also burn much more fat. If you really want to stimulate leg growth and burn fat, start doing it once or twice a week. Make sure you have a full range of motion, otherwise you’re wasting your time.

The next exercise that people never do is the reverse hyperextension. If you don’t know what these are, basically what it is is that you lie on a platform with your legs dangling. Your legs are attached to a pendulum that has a weight attached to it. You’re basically just trying to swing your weight from side to side, and the end result is a great glute and back workout.

The last exercise that is incredibly underused is the overhead press. This exercise is essentially taking a barbell and pressing it overhead. It ends up being a great exercise for the shoulders, traps, and triceps. This also helps build your core strength, as it takes a lot of work to maintain a stable core during this movement.

I hope you start using these exercises, they really help, and if you’ve never done them before, there’s a good chance you’ll make some fantastic gains in both muscle and strength. I have given you the necessary tools to become stronger and fitter, however now it will be YOUR responsibility to ensure that you put those tools to use.

I can’t hold your hand and do these exercises with you, but I think I’ve gotten as close to that as possible in this article, and I really hope it was helpful to you.

I have done all of these exercises, so I can say with certainty that this will work for you, because it worked for me.

Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it, I put work into this article and it’s always an achievement when I really help!

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