Have you managed to get graphite left on your carpet? You must have it if you are reading this. Graphite is a common lubricant used in places like door hinges. It can be difficult to remove due to its tendency to spread easily. Learn how to remove graphite from your carpet by reading this article.

The first step in removing graphite is to vacuum the area well. Don’t make the mistake of simply vacuuming over the spot. This will just spread it out. Use the vacuum hose only without any additional application.

Once you have removed as much of the graphite as possible by vacuuming, you can proceed to step number two. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon of detergent (Joy, Dawn, etc.) in 2 cups of water. Get a clean white towel and lightly dampen it with the mixture. Use as little moisture as possible. Rub the stain working from the outside to the inside. Go slowly and do not rub as this will only spread the graphite. This can take a while, so be careful and try not to overcrowd the place. Continue until the stain is gone or no longer transfers to your cloth.

Once no more stains are present, you can proceed to step three. You must neutralize the detergent to prevent the area from quickly becoming dirty again. Mix a solution of 1 part distilled white vinegar to 2 parts water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and lightly mist the area. Pat it dry with a towel and repeat one more time to be thorough.

That is all. You’re done. You can now let the area dry and then use it again. If you can’t remove the stain or notice it spreading, you should stop and call a professional. They will have the tools to handle tough jobs.

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