Building a new identity after the death of a loved one

Most people grieving the death of a loved one are unaware that their difficult experience also includes a change in identity. They are no longer the same people they used to be, and identity change is an important part of the adjustment process. Identity is “who I think I am.” Depending on his perceptions (the …

Amber and the Hidden History of Ancient Egypt Part 8

Viking Amber Traders and Ancient Egypt The Egyptian preists, according to the Atlantean narration, Timea, said that Orichac (amber) was mined in Basileia in large quantities. Basileia was the capital of Atlantis and was located off the Danish coast. The Egyptians said that fake fire shone and that the Atlanteans covered the walls of their …

I kicked out my cheating husband, should I feel guilty about this?

Occasionally, I hear from women who are being judged for their reaction to their husband’s cheating. Many wives really don’t want to be around their husband immediately after the cheating is discovered, so they ask him to go away for a while. Of course, when this news breaks, there will be people who will have …

The Love Story That Came From 9/11: A Love Story About Reaching Your God-Given Potential

A love story grew out of September 11, 2001. The love story of the 9/11 attack is worth retelling because it exemplifies the level of Love that is possible in our relationships. It is a love story about what it means to be lost in love; a Love greater than any other because of the …

8 secrets to stellar extracurricular activities

As a college advisor, I get far more questions about extracurricular activities than any other topic. Parents are concerned about their children’s chances of getting into a good school or receiving scholarships. And, I must say that your concerns are well founded. After 30 years of working with and learning from amazing students across the …

Something scary was lurking unbeknownst to me: the Corona virus

We had heard about a virus that was parked in China. It seemed that the Chinese had controlled it, but he wasn’t one hundred percent sure. My imaginative, sci-fi mind was always throwing out various possibilities. I think my logical side said that the arrival of the virus in Italy would have been unlikely, but …