Jewelry Marketing Plan – Business Growth Strategies – Part 1

Marketing is buying customers Marketing your jewelry business is nothing more than buying customers. That’s it, and the sooner you understand it, the more comfortable you’ll be investing money in everything from advertising to sales training and from public relations to customer relationship management tools. When you think about it, anything and everything you do …

Small businesses: the importance of your profile on social networks

Social media marketing can be seen as branding a business and its association with keywords on social media. Blogs, forums, microblogging are effective ways to share information with your customers or customers. Savvy business owners will take advantage of these networks and efforts by using keywords and structuring their message properly so that search engines …

Six cardinal rules for success in social media marketing

You’ve heard everyone talk about how powerful social media is for marketing your business. How, if you’re not using it to market your business, you’re stuck in the ’80s. So you go out and create a Facebook page, open a LinkedIn account, start tweeting on Twitter, start a blog, and start searching YouTube. . What …

Super six activities to consider for website maintenance

For any online business, maintaining a website is crucial. It ensures that the website works faster and smoother. Websites are vulnerable to attacks by malware and other viral programs and therefore need proper maintenance. On the other hand, they must also meet the requirements of the visitors who navigate them smoothly. Website maintenance consists of …

5 things you should know about a web design agency before hiring it

Deciding on a web designer is like going on a first date. A person must find out a lot about this new individual and then decide if they are a match. Choosing the wrong designer could ruin a business. According to 48% of consumers, website design is the main factor in determining the credibility of …