Ampegy LLC Review – Spark Energy Electricity and Natural Gas Opportunity

Ampergy LLC is a division of Spark Energy. Spark Energy is headquartered in Houston, Texas and is an independent provider of electricity and natural gas with a presence in 15 states. Keith Maxwell founded Spark Energy in 1999 and filed for trademark registration for Ampegy in November 2010. Steve Smith, Chief Marketing Officer, has a …

Transcend jealousy and transform it into positive energy

Jealousy is among the strongest passions. It is even stronger than anger. It can even be the most overwhelming emotion when synergistically combined with anger. You may have read the adage: “Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; hell in heaven; and the bitterest of emotions because it is associated with the sweetest.” – AR storm …

The ONLY effective treatment for heartburn

To treat heartburn, it is important to select the correct and most effective solution for you. That means getting accurate information about the real causes behind your heartburn symptoms. In general, there are three types of heartburn treatment: prescriptions, surgical operations, and natural/holistic solutions. These methods have marked differences in the way they are implemented …

Sexual insults, intimidation and habitual harassment

Children need to understand the importance of standing up for themselves. They should be given guidelines for dealing with negative behaviors, such as online and face-to-face name-calling. They need to understand how actions like making sexual comments and sharing sexual images, whether in person or online, can cause embarrassment and affect someone’s reputation. Behaviors that …

10 best ways to stop drinking alcohol

The decision to stop drinking alcohol can be life-saving for people who feel they are becoming addicted to alcohol. However, recovering from alcohol abuse, maintaining sobriety, and managing cravings for alcohol is a difficult struggle. There are many ways to achieve sobriety. For a person wondering how they can stop drinking, here are the top …