Colon hydrotherapy: feeling comfortable with the treatment

The method to cleanse the colon is based on gravity. Filtered, neutralized, and sterilized water is introduced into the colon under low pressure. The colon hydrotherapy process is constantly monitored while the entire colon is cleaned and flushed, from the rectum to the cecum. It is a very safe method, carried out under safe conditions …

What it means for you if you are showing symptoms of yeast intolerance

Everyone has natural yeast in their bodies to aid in digestion. However, if you are one who has too much yeast, you could have some health problems. Having an aversion to yeast is very difficult for most people to deal with. It means reducing or completely eliminating some of the best-tasting and most available food …

Everything you need to know about reverse osmosis water filtration

What exactly is in your drinking water? Even the highest quality tap water can harbor nasty bacteria, viruses, and other parasites that can make you and your family sick. Purchasing bottled water can be expensive and is not the most environmentally friendly alternative available. Reverse osmosis filtration systems can help keep your water supply clean …