How to tighten the skin of the thighs: 3 natural and effective ways to firm the skin

The skin on the thighs and buttocks always seems to start sagging right from the start. Therefore, there are several simple ways how to tighten thigh skin naturally. Follow these tips and in a few months you will see spectacular results. When the summer season or a trip abroad approaches, it suddenly becomes very important …

An unbiased review of Vasayo from someone who didn’t join

During the last two weeks, I have received several messages about this new Vasayo company. Truth be told, I get messages all the time about startups about to launch and people are always trying to convince me of their deal, so I generally don’t pay attention to these messages. But every once in a while, …

My husband will not admit that our marriage is over, but he will not come home to save our marriage either.

I often hear from wives who feel like their marriage (and therefore their life) is in limbo. Her husband has often withdrawn from them and from the marriage. Sometimes the husband has even hinted at, suggested, or initiated a breakup or separation. The wife may assume that this means the marriage is over, but many …