The advances that have been made in children’s toys are astounding. And children’s play furniture has evolved along with them. When I was little, building a tower out of blocks or Legos on the carpet was part of the challenge. There are now loads of game tables that not only provide a more solid foundation than 70s-style orange shag rugs, but also offer storage and come with a supply of building materials to boot!

Little kids love a table their size.

If a toy or game uses a horizontal surface, there is a custom table to provide that perfect surface for hours of play. Young children especially benefit from the enhanced playability that a game table provides. An 18-month-old to two-year-old may love blocks, train tracks, or Duplo blocks until they keep falling over when mom walks by. The dexterity required to build a stable tower or keep a train track from breaking is often beyond the capabilities of a small child. This leaves them frustrated. A game table takes the frustration out of a changing carpet base.

Play tables are low to the ground and keep all toys within the child’s reach. This can benefit the gambling regime in several ways. Raising the play surface off the floor is great for the toddler, because he keeps his toys safely out of the reach of his pacing sibling. This eliminates the calamity of reaching and curious baby fingers accidentally stealing the base of your toddler’s creations. Standing or sitting down to play at your own table is great fun, calm and stable.

Moms and dads love confined mess

The benefits of playing with a table are not limited to the young child. Parents also benefit. As noted above, there are likely to be fewer discussions due to accidental takedowns or broken tracks. Keeping older siblings’ toys out of baby’s reach is also an extra baby-proofing measure. Little train set pieces or tiny Legos are just the right size for baby to fit into her curious little mouths. Instead of banning all toys with small parts until baby is past the choking phase, a table can keep messy toys with small parts out of reach.

In the act of saving toys with small parts from banishment, game tables do not exhaust their benefits by virtue of their height.

A table has a natural confining effect on clutter. The playing area is clearly defined beginning and ending at the edge of the table. This means no more throwing out bins or scattering their contents in the far corners of the room and under all the furniture. The area under the table is perfect for storing used parts on the top surface. Some game table models come equipped with built-in storage areas.

Children’s tables and chairs keep the whole family happy.

How many times have you and your toddler set out to create a Lego jungle to populate with toy animals, or a block castle for your little people, or the perfect railroad complete with flyovers and drawbridges, then when you complete construction? Game time is over and you never played? This is often the case, as many of us have busy schedules. A card table is also useful here. Instead of having to stow away all the clutter, the table top now stands as a storage area for that perfect setting. Now you can build your train track and play with it too.

This is great because you can leave the towers unfinished for later play or keep the perfectly built railway intact to use over the course of many weeks.

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