You may have noticed the recent trend of wearing clear sunglasses, which can also be referred to as “hipster glasses” due to the idea that they serve no purpose other than to look “cool.” If you’re not familiar with what these look like, we’ve provided a link below.

They are typically worn by college kids and became popular in conjunction with the “I LOVE NERDS” campaign, which began as a twist on the common belief that nerds weren’t cool. Suddenly it became cool to be smart and look like an idiot, and that’s how clear lens glasses (over the counter) were born. For those unlucky enough to be born with good eyesight, this product was designed to give the appearance of needing glasses without having to have impaired vision.

Starting as a small trend, this idea was soon adopted by many athletes like Lebron James or Russell Westbrook who are well known for wearing these glasses during post-game interviews. They soon came under national attack from the fashion police (also known as “haters”) who, like everyone else, consider these accessories useless and downright silly. Despite the early reactions of many critics to this new look, this trend has now been embraced nationally and is becoming popular for people trying to stand out from the crowd and more obviously become the center of attention. .

So despite the sentimental value of these glasses, we wanted to take a look at the other reasons these glasses can be worn, in case someone who isn’t trying to look like a gamer from the ’80s wants to wear them. Also, since we wanted to squash the myth and silence the critics that these glasses DO have a purpose, so we left the nerds and dove into the facts.

What we discovered was that these glasses have a purpose and that is to protect your eyes. Did you know that these glasses are actually 100% UV protected, so they will protect your eyes from the harmful sun? Also, did you know that, on the contrary, dark sunglasses reduce the visible light that enters your eyes, so your iris opens to admit more light, allowing even more harmful UV radiation to enter your eyes? I think it’s safe to say that clear lens glasses just won that battle.

They’re also convenient because they’re transparent, so you can wear them inside and still see! This saves the hassle of having to remove them every time you enter a building. Besides, who likes to mess up their hair or wear them around their necks? Not only is it not fashionable, but it looks horrible. I think we’re also forgetting the fact that these goggles can protect your eyes from flying debris, finger pricks, and champagne splashes when you’re celebrating like a champ.

So the next time you’re rocking out without your glasses and people start hating, just let them know you’re “wearing protection, bro.”

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