Computer software has entered a new dimension with the beginning of the third millennium. It caters to a broader segment of technological needs. Computer software comprises three types, programming software, system software, and application software. Programming software is used to help programmers write computer programs. System software facilitates the running of the computer system eg Mac, Linux, Microsoft Windows. Application software makes the user’s computer perform various tasks that are unrelated to the development of the computer. The copyright issue is very important here and the software is copyrighted to check for illegal copying of the software. This allows the licensee to use the software subject to certain terms and conditions, but others may not use, change, share, etc.

A decent copyright license for computer software is an open source license that also contains the source code and can be used by almost anyone. Users can evaluate and modify the source code to adapt it to their own needs, that is, customization. The benefit of subscribing to open source licenses is that they are generally open at no cost, allowing alteration, rearrangement, and profitable use without any requirement to pay the original creator. Some open source licenses allow modification of the source code for personal use or only allow non-commercial reorganization as a sole measure.

Copyright services ensure the protection of computer software as a literary work, however, it cannot be patented. If the software is combined with the hardware, it cannot be granted a patent, only otherwise. The novelty is not in the software code but in the product. To acquire software protection, form 4 (copyright registration request) must be requested. Form 4 covers both the Statement of Details and the Statement of Other Details (abbreviated as SOP and SOFP respectively). When completing them, the requirements of form 4 must be followed in a clear and relevant way. Overwriting and irrelevance should be avoided. “Not applicable” should be written for blank responses on form 4.

A unique creative work is defined as each copyright claim. In the case of more than one work, the applicant must file a separate copyright application with the copyright office. Other considerations for software copyright protection depend on the methodology involved in the software and the source code used. If necessary, new source code may be created and/or existing source code used in the software may be edited.

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