For quite some time, there has been a lot of talk in the mainstream media about “hate” and what to do about it. There have also been a number of different things that have taken place to try and fix it.

Along with what this source and the government are saying is what people are doing to try to make a difference. Thanks to social media, it is much easier than ever for one person to make a difference.

More than the eye needs

At the same time, it would not be accurate to say that the mainstream media are simply reporting what is happening and have no ulterior motives, or that there are no people in the world who would simply invent almost nothing. to receive care. This font routinely makes up things and does what he can to get people’s attention and create division.

When it comes to someone who would lie about being a victim of hate, there can be a variety of reasons why this would happen. What it can show is that a large portion of them want to be seen and heard and may even have a personality disorder.

Back to the individual

Other than that, when someone wants to do something about it, they can use social media and there are a number of other things that you can do. They can join a movement and participate in demonstrations.

If they like to write they could write articles and if they like to talk they could make videos. This will be a fairly simple way to get your message across and do something about it.

Another thing

In addition to doing the “right” things, they could also make sure they came from the right place. This will be related to the part of being, since what is happening within them is as important as the actions they perform.

In fact, you could say that where they are internally is far more important than the actions they take. The reason for this is that they are not separate from anything or anyone, so what happens within them is always affecting their life and the planet as a whole.


However, if they are strongly attached to their ego-mind, the part of them that creates the illusion of separation, among other things, they will not notice. As a result, the only thing that matters will be what they say and do, not where they are internally and therefore what they resonate energetically.

They will be separated from everyone and everything, so what happens within them will be totally irrelevant. To make a difference, it will be about doing the right thing; being in the right place will not cross your mind.

The lines have been erased

If they didn’t have a lot to do emotionally before starting their crusade, they may have a lot to do emotionally now that the time has passed. Because of what they have been exposed to, they can often experience anger and even hatred.

At first, they would have wanted to do something about the hatred that was in the world and now, they will have become another source of hatred. This was a consequence of which Friedrich Nietzsche was well aware when he said: “He who fights with monsters can be careful not to become a monster. And if you look for a long time into an abyss, the abyss also looks at you.”

Hidden in plain sight

At this point, they may see that they have become an example of what they wanted to do something about. This will give them a chance to do something about it and get back on track.

Alternatively, by having a series of defenses in place and being around people who are the same, they may not be able to see what has happened. If they cannot recognize this, they could end up rationalizing what they say and do, and find that it is the “right thing to do.”

Eye for an eye

Then one will be fighting fire with fire, and they will add more drama to a world that is already full of drama. This will show that they have completely lost touch with the values ​​they had in the beginning or that they were simply fooling themselves and others from the beginning.

If related to the latter, it could show that they are carrying a lot of deep emotional wounds and that the reason they wanted to do something about the hate in the world was that they unknowingly wanted to experience vicarious revenge for what they did to them. . Perhaps they were regularly raped as children and, since they have not dealt with these emotional wounds, they are unconsciously drawn to circumstances, situations and events that will allow them to relive their first traumas once again.

The same level of consciousness

So one can say and do all the right things, but on an emotional level, they will have a lot in common with those that are hateful. In order for them to really make a difference, it will be essential that they take care of their own baggage, as this will prevent them from feeding on the reality they are trying to change.

By doing this and becoming an example of the change you want to see in the world, you will help create a different reality; a reality in which it is normal for people to treat others with love and respect their limits. It is certainly not easy for someone to come in and confront themselves, but it is likely to be much more effective than trying to fight hatred with more hatred.

Final thoughts

Furthermore, what resists is what will persist and grow, so the very act of fighting something “out there” will help to sustain it. And since nature abhors a vacuum, it makes much more sense to focus on what you want and then what you want will replace what you don’t.

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The key point here is that human beings are not separate from anything or anyone, and that is why individual change is so important. When someone takes care of his own things and changes himself, he will change his own consciousness and, by changing his, he will change the collective consciousness.

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