Excessive sweating and body odor seem to go hand in hand. When our body sweats excessively, it is your body letting you know that something is not quite right. Sweating is a great way for your body to rid itself of toxins and this is further enhanced by your body odor. If you notice that you smell bad, then you know that your body is going through major detoxification work.

However, of course, there are ways you can help speed this up. There are also ways you can keep your body from becoming overloaded with junk. If you do both, excessive sweating and body odor will be a thing of the past.

First, let’s tackle excess. Things that can help you stop excessive sweating are:

1. Exercise – Aerobic exercise helps to move the lymphatic system, which is the system that deals with toxins. By encouraging you to get going, it helps you flush out toxins fast. This is also a great way to sweat a lot and get the sweat out of your system. If you exercise in the morning before work and shower afterwards, you may find that during the day you have reduced problem!

2. Stay hydrated – Most people don’t get enough fluid in them. If you don’t urinate 8 to 10 times a day and you don’t experience clear urine, then you are dehydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat foods rich in water, such as raw fruits and vegetables. Eating fruit throughout the day will help keep your water levels up.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables – Increase your intake of raw foods. Fruits and vegetables contain all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. They are also easy for your body to digest and will not put any strain on your digestive system like other foods.

4. Lose weight if you are overweight – Excessive sweating is often associated with being overweight. This is not surprising since both are unhealthy, not to mention all overweight people are dehydrated. That’s what excess fat does. So lose weight and you should see massive improvements.

In general, if you eat more raw foods and try to reduce the amount of meat and dairy you eat, you should also notice an improvement in your body odor. Meat and dairy make people smell musty! A diet high in fruits and vegetables will make you smell good or reduce your odor considerably.

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