There are so many marketing concepts today and each of them may be fine, but T. Harv Eker is giving you a definition of marketing that will drastically change your business forever.

T. Harv Eker is an author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation. He is the author of the book “Secrets of the millionaire mind.” Harv really knows what he’s talking about when his lessons focus on defining marketing.

T. Harv Eker offers his excellent insights on marketing strategies that are intended to help you build your business around the world. It shows you his way of seeing the definition of marketing.

According to Eker, most business people think that marketing is primarily about getting people’s initial interest. Of course, this is a big part of success, but not the only one. Marketing tends to serve two purposes, so to speak. And if you want to become a successful person, you must try to understand both sides of marketing. Not only must you get it right, but you must also implement the knowledge in your business opportunity.

So what is the true definition of marketing? Well, marketing is actually a double-edged business strategy. Yes, it is true that you have to get customers to walk through the door the first time. No doubt about that. But you should know that it costs a lot and it is a time-consuming marketing process.

T. Harv Eker wants you to know that it costs several times more to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. The point is that many entrepreneurs focus all their energy on finding new prospects or clients. And this is just one of the advantages of marketing. That is not the only part of the definition of marketing.

To achieve all of your strategic sales goals, you need to pay much more attention to the other extreme of modern marketing.

The second part of the definition of marketing is about striving to keep existing customers in the game.

You need to do whatever it takes to keep them satisfied and happy with your products. Do you already feel this type of definition of marketing? If it’s now, listen carefully.

You must understand that offering a product to a new customer is great, but not offering more, different or newer products keeps them all in one time. So keep the truth in mind and try to get a feel for this definition of marketing. It will help you get more out of life and attract the success you deserve.

What is the most important difference between failed businesses and successful businesses? Unsuccessful businesses can’t stick with additional products or services, while successful businesses have a variety of offerings up their sleeves.

If you want to take your business to a higher level of success, start offering more products and services to the same people, not forgetting about new customers at the same time. Make this definition of marketing alive in your attempts to achieve your greatness.

The point is, if you can hold your customers’ attention and interest for a long time, you’re on your way to building the most valuable asset in the business. Confidence. With enough confidence, you can take advantage of your business for the long term. And that’s what a successful business is all about. The most useful definition of marketing for the tough times we are going through right now.

Again, the definition of modern marketing focuses on two ends of your business.

One end of your marketing strategy is to attract beginners and the other end of the definition of marketing is having powerful products and services that you can offer once they are in.

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