Sometimes I have people contact me asking what the expectant father should eat if the couple is trying to conceive a girl or a boy. Some examples are things like: “What should my husband eat or include in his diet if we are trying to conceive a girl?” Or, “We want a baby boy. What types of food should a man avoid to prevent us from getting pregnant with a girl?” I will try to answer these types of questions in the following article.

A man who is trying to conceive should have a balanced and healthy diet: It is well known that men trying to conceive should avoid tight underwear, hot tubs and saunas, and drugs. The reason for this is that all of these things affect the health and volume of a man’s sperm. A healthy diet goes along with this. A man must eat a balanced and healthy diet to ensure healthy sperm. However, his diet does not affect the sex of the baby (or whether he is having a boy or a girl) in the same way that a woman’s or mother-to-be’s diet does.

The diet of the man or father is important. But it doesn’t affect whether you have a boy or a girl like the mother’s diet does: It is reasonably well known that the mother-to-be’s diet can affect the sex of her baby. Women who eat a more acidic diet increase their chances of conceiving a girl, while those who eat a more alkaline diet increase their chances of having a boy.

The reason for this is that these dietary changes also modify or affect the vaginal environment and the PH of the woman. If that environment is alkaline, it is friendlier for the Y or the boy that produces sperm. If it is acidic, it is very harsh with the same Y sperm, but friendly with the X (or those that produce girls).

So it makes sense to ask if these same things are true when the father’s or man’s diet is acidic or alkaline. The most persuasive question would probably be one like: if a man eats acidic foods, does this mean he has more X or girl producing sperm? And, if he eats an alkaline diet, does this give the boy’s sperm an advantage?

There is no evidence to suggest this. In fact, studies have been done to see if men who helped conceive more of one gender over another contained more than one type of sperm chromosome. In other words, the men who all had boys were tested to see if they had more sperm Y chromosomes. And the men who fathered girls were tested to see if their sperm contained more X numbers. Studies showed that this was not the case. case. In fact, most men had roughly the same number of X’s and Y’s at all times.

Focusing on the mother’s diet, her timing and sexual position: There is no question that you can and should control what you can when it comes to the father’s diet. Healthy foods can contribute to healthy sperm. But in terms of choosing an acidic or alkaline diet, this is best accomplished with the woman or mother-to-be. These changes can affect whether the couple conceives a boy or a girl.

Another thing to consider is the moment in which that same conception occurs. Conception that occurs before a woman ovulates is the time that makes a girl most likely. Styling after ovulation favors a boy. The sexual positions you use can also make a difference. But, when it comes to two healthy parents and all three methods (diet, timing, and position) are combined, this is when you have the best chance of influencing the gender of your baby as a couple.

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