The town of Farnham – Surrey is located 42 miles southwest of London. This strategically located town has been home to all human cultures until the beginning of time. This area has witnessed the evolution of man from caveman to the present day.

There is evidence that this area was used by Paleolithic man 40,000 years ago. Evidence has been unearthed indicating that man used this area for cultivation and trade for more than 7,000 years. There is evidence that the first settlement in the area that is now Farnham developed 7,000 years ago. Clusters of well dwellings have been discovered. Tool traces and remains of a Flint Knapping industry were also discovered. Flint carving was the process of making tools from stone.

There are also prehistoric long bars that provide further proof that this area was inhabited by prehistoric man. A long barrow is a communal grave. There are several such mounds in the Farnham area. It is believed that part of what made this area so important was its access to rivers and its fertile soil. It is also believed that this area served as a trade for the surrounding areas. The Harrow Way provided access to other settlements and provided trade.

A community of potters also developed in the Fordham area. There is evidence of kilns and other remains that would have been used under Roman control of England after 50 AD One of the pottery establishments was that of the artisans at Alice Forest Pottery and it is believed that this group of artisans existed for over 400 years .

The name of Farnhams derives from the name Feamhomme, which in Saxon means ferns in the water meadows. This name gives a great indication of the terrain that exists in this area. Farnham is a great area to enjoy the countryside. There are several parks, including Farnham Park, which borders the Surrey Hills. A long distance path known as the North Downs runs from Farnham to Dover and offers some excellent walks.

The area’s architecture is also resplendent with some great treasures. One such treasure is Farnham Castle which was given to the Bishops of Winchester for over 800 years. This castle was built in 1138 by Henri De Blois, grandson of William the Conqueror. The castle has been destroyed and rebuilt several times over the centuries and is still in existence today and parts of it can be walked around.

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