Parakeets have always been the most popular pet among birds. They are known for their chatter and easy tame. Its basic color feather is yellowish green, but there are also other colors, such as bright blue, and sometimes they can be completely white or yellow.

A parakeet as a pet usually means a lot of fun. It is true that they can be very noisy, but it is very interesting and pleasant to see them bristle and chat with themselves or even with a little thing. Like any other type of parrots, they imitate the sounds they frequently hear. They usually imitate the phone ring, doorbell, or even a part of your favorite songs. However, when it comes to speaking, they find it a bit more difficult to emulate words, usually due to some consonants that they have a hard time pronouncing. However, it is not impossible. With a little effort and patience, you can teach them to pronounce a few single words, even shorter sentences.

For starters, if you haven’t gotten your budgie yet, that’s great, because buying is the crucial step in teaching your budgie words. Be sure to buy a very young budgie, preferably a chick, because they are better at learning words and sounds when they are young. If they are old, you will never be able to teach them to speak. When choosing a parakeet, make it a male. Males are easier to tame and teach, preferring to chatter than squawk. The females are usually wild and you will need more time to tame them and teach them words.

This can be cruel, but if you want to teach your budgie to talk, don’t buy a pair. When they are together, they focus on each other and do not pay much attention to external sounds. You will also notice that it will take longer for them to imitate a simple sound; it often happens that they produce nothing but chatter and squawk. The same applies to mirrors; once a parakeet has it in his cage, he will never be separated from it, and therefore he will pay no attention to you or the sounds.

Now, when you’ve done everything right, start learning. Start with simple, short words with more vowels. Once they’ve mastered the simple words, they’ll easily get over the more difficult ones. However, do not despair if your parakeet watches you curiously and silently while you teach him; it’s a good sign because he tries to memorize the words. Patience is essential in this case. Sometimes it takes just a few days, but sometimes a couple of weeks; but patience always pays off in the end.

As you can see, a good start is very important here. It’s not just about buying a beautiful colored parakeet, but bringing in a young bird that will learn quickly and be your friend for years to come. However, keep in mind that not all budgies are the same; some will learn slower, others faster, and some will be able to imitate only a few simple words. It also depends on how much time you can dedicate to it. Good luck!

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