Foie gras is one of the gourmet pleasures par excellence.

It was ‘invented’ by the ancient Romans who noticed that geese were fatter when they flew in one direction than the other. They started out raising foie gras geese and the French took over centuries later, turning it into an art form.

Now there are producers all over the world who use humane methods to produce foie gras.

Here are a couple of easy yet awesome ways to serve it up.

How to choose:

Firstly, you are unlikely to find fresh or refrigerated foie gras unless you live close to a specialist producer or outlet.

Avoid canned Foie Gras. It is awful.

Foie Gras in jars is normally a pate, and not the liver itself.

You’ll probably find it frozen in some sort of vacuum pack or shrink-wrapped tray.

Choose one that looks smooth with a nice rich color.

If it’s icy or looks ‘dry’ in parts, skip it. Freezer burned or not stored properly

Handling is important. Check the expiration date and check the freezer. It should be rock hard, in a clean, well-maintained, working freezer.

Color should be buff to unblemished buff.

Duck against Goose.

Both are good. Both have similar texture and flavor. Both come in medium or high grade.

They differ in taste but it is not dramatic.

Duck is usually slightly less expensive as it is quicker to produce at a lower cost to the producer. Many people prefer the taste of duck. Both are excellent. Don’t worry.

Try both, or buy either. It depends on your preference. Start with duck the first time and move on to goose the next time if you’re unsure. Your guests will be happy with both.

Take it home and then?

Leave in the fridge for a few hours.

To handle and cut, it is better semi-frozen.

Never let it thaw on a bench at room temperature; food poisoning happens that way.

When it is semi-frozen, take it out of the fridge and pick it up. Divide in two by gently separating or cutting along the natural crease.

Look under the veins and cut or pull them out.

If you are going to brown it and serve it hot, cut it into pieces 1.5 to 2 cm thick. (1/2 inch to 3/4 inch) with a thin, sharp knife.

If it is frozen, it will fall apart when cut. If it’s completely thawed, it won’t cut nice or straight.

After cutting, wrap them in cling wrap or vacuum wrap tightly and return them to the freezer. Sealed foie gras medallions are best cooked, frozen, or semi-frozen.

If you are going to make a terrine or serve it cold, break it up with your hands (wear a new pair of food handling gloves) or cut it into large dice. Marinate with crushed juniper, fresh thyme, bay leaves, coarse ground salt or salt flakes, freshly ground pepper, and a generous dash of cognac, brandy, or armagnac.

How to brown foie gras medallions

Heat the pan. Use one of the following: black iron, cast iron, stainless steel with a thick aluminum sandwich bottom, or a new heavy-duty nonstick skillet. The pan should have a thick, heavy bottom that is smooth and capable of heating evenly.

When it is over medium heat, put the frozen or semi-frozen Foie Gras medallions in the dry pan. (Not oil)

Sear for just a minute or two with an audible sizzle, and then flip.

Foie Gras should have an attractive charred brown color. Touch the medallions in the center when both sides are golden. They should be soft to the touch, not firm.

If it’s soft on the outside but firm on the inside, it’s still frozen on the inside.

If this is the case, rest in the oven for one minute or under a broiler for one minute.

Foie Gras should NOT be fully cooked in the middle.

If you use Foie Gras warm or cold or in thin slices when browning, the Foie Gras will be runny, or overcooked, or not colored enough. That’s why we make it frozen. It cooks very fast.

Serve Foie Gras sealed with: something sour or fruity.

I like to serve with caramelized apples and a spread of balsamic reduction/glaze.

To caramelize the apples, peel and slice them, brown them with butter and brown sugar, then flambé with brandy or cognac.

Finish with black pepper and chopped fresh flat parsley.

Other nice things are:

  • Port wine juice, gold
  • Sauternes Reduction / Ice Wine / Botrytis.
  • The caramelized mango is also good, also with a balsamic reduction.


  1. Place your marinated Foie Gras (as described above) in the terrine. remove excess sprigs of thyme, juniper berries.
  2. Press gently to compact a little, but not too much. It will collapse and form a terrine when it starts to cook.
  3. Put the lid on the terrine.
  4. Place the terrine in a hot water bath.
  5. Bake gently until center reaches around 62 degrees C / 143 F
  6. Remove and let cool on a rack.
  7. When cool, unmold and serve with crusty sourdough bread, or slice and serve with your choice of dressing or side.

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