Herbagra is a natural sexual enhancement pill that can also be used by women. In addition to being a sexual enhancement supplement, this product can also be used as a dietary supplement. Most of the male enhancement pills that can also be used for women do not get the best reviews from men because they are not considered as effective as they could be. Another issue surrounding this product is that the ingredient list does not reveal everything that is used in the formula.

The ingredients that are listed for Herbagra appear to be completely natural and free from adverse side effects. Some of the key ingredients are Epimedium and Herba Cistanches. While Epimedium has been shown to be effective with male enhancement, Herba Cistanches has not yet been deemed effective for sexually enhancing both men and women. Recent studies have shown something that is alarming to consumers who have tried this enhancement pill. Large traces of Sildenafil Citrate have been discovered to be used in Herbagra. This ingredient used in prescription male enhancement pills is also known to cause numerous different side effects. This is a dangerous ingredient to put in a male enhancement pill that is advertised as all-natural and safe.

The formula works in a similar way to many male enhancement supplements. It uses ingredients that promote blood circulation throughout the body to allow men to achieve erections whenever they are aroused. It also uses “natural Chinese herbs” to stimulate sex drive and stamina. In women, this is also supposed to drive blood to the vaginal areas to promote stimulation and increased sensation during intercourse. The foundation for this pill should theoretically work, but many consumers, both men and women, have claimed that the results have been lackluster.

It is difficult to trust a company like Herbagra due to recent discoveries of dangerous ingredients in its formula. It is also hard to believe that this enhancement pill can work for both men and women alike, considering that men and women are very different sexually. Many consumers have had nothing good to say about taking these pills and many have also experienced mild side effects from using sildenafil citrate. If you are looking for a male enhancement pill that works, you should probably avoid Herbagra unless you are willing to risk side effects. It is also better to find male enhancement pills that are aimed solely at men, and not so much at men as women.

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