The answer is one cove at a time. This is a riddle about goal setting and how to achieve a goal. The truth of the matter is that big goals can be overwhelming and it’s all too easy to get overwhelmed by them.

Chances are you have a very good reason for setting yourself a big goal. If you’re in business, you need a goal that pushes you beyond where you are now. Small goals often lead to less than optimal results. If it’s too easy to achieve, chances are you won’t try it at all or you’ll go half-heartedly. With that in mind, a big goal is definitely the way to go… as long as you’re not just aiming for the big goal.

The key is to break that big daunting goal into smaller steps. The elephant is too big and the idea of ​​eating an elephant is too overwhelming. If you leave your focus there, you will not be able to do what needs to be done. But if you decide you need to cut a piece, cook it, sit at a table and eat it, then you’ve started.

This is the beauty of the smallest goal, or mini-goal, if you want to call it that. The mini-target gets you on your way. As you accomplish each mini-goal, you are that much closer to your bigger goal. At first it will still seem like a long way off, but now you have a focus where you probably didn’t before.

The next time you sit down to eat that elephant, think about the steps you need to take to do it, and you won’t end up with indigestion from trying to eat more than you can at one time.

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