AC Serviced

Many people are familiar with the recommendation that air conditioning systems should be serviced at least once a year. This is a great recommendation for people living in climates with changing seasons, as it gives the air conditioner time to “rest” before putting its full force into use. However, if you live in Florida where the weather stays hot and humid all year round, you’ll want to get your AC serviced more frequently to prevent expensive repair bills and extend its lifespan.

When you call for an AC tune-up, the technician will perform a visual inspection of your system to look for any visible signs of damage or wear. They will also test the thermostat to make sure it’s accurate and set to an ideal setting that keeps you cool while saving energy. They will also inspect and tighten all electrical connections to ensure they’re secure. Moving parts will be lubricated to minimize friction and help them function smoothly. Finally, the refrigerant levels will be checked and corrected as necessary, since serious drops can indicate a leak.

One of the most important things a certified HVAC technician will do during an AC tune-up is to clean all components of your Air Conditioning repair, including the compressor, condenser coils, and fans. These can become clogged with dirt and grime over time, which will affect your air conditioning’s efficiency and performance. A professional will be able to clean these parts and restore them to their original condition, which will improve your air quality and extend the lifespan of your unit.

How Often Should Your AC Be Serviced?

Some of the other tasks a technician will perform during an AC tune-up include cleaning or replacing your air filter, checking and testing the refrigerant pressure, and verifying proper drainage. In addition, the technician will check the evaporator and condenser coils for corrosion and debris, which can cause significant damage if left unchecked. A technician will be able to clean these coils and replace them as needed.

If you are a homeowner who wants to save money and keep your AC running properly, consider signing up for a pre-paid maintenance plan. This will give you scheduled service reminders, maintenance documentation, preferred pricing, and many other benefits for a monthly or annual fee. At 128 Plumbing, we offer a Peace of Mind Protection Plan that offers all of these benefits and much more. To learn more, contact us today!

Consider the frequency of repairs your air conditioner has undergone. If your unit seems to require frequent repairs, it might be a sign that it’s nearing the end of its operational life. Continual breakdowns not only incur repair costs but also lead to increased energy bills and discomfort. In such cases, investing in a new, reliable system can bring relief from the constant hassles and expenses associated with an aging unit.

Energy efficiency is another critical factor to weigh in your decision-making process. Advancements in technology have led to the development of more energy-efficient air conditioning units. If your current system lacks the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating common in newer models, upgrading to a more energy-efficient unit can result in substantial long-term savings on your energy bills. Newer systems are designed to operate with greater efficiency, providing better cooling performance while consuming less energy.

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