You are looking for a job in the market, you NEED a job and it seems that they want to hire you. Congratulations.

Then they say, “But first, we need you to go to this website and take a timed test online. Don’t worry, it’s an easy test, there are no right or wrong answers.” You sigh with relief. But you shouldn’t. They just lie to you.

Personality tests are designed to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the job. If you passed the interview and they say the only set left is the personality test, then you’re probably a good candidate for the job. So, they lied when they said, “There are no right or wrong answers.”

Most tests are 100 questions or based on 100 points. Each correct answer gives you one point. Each wrong answer gives you zero points. The more points, the better your score. Are you with me so far?

You will come to a question that says, “Have you ever lied on a personality test?”

What are they REALLY asking? “You’re a liar?” No, you’re not a liar, but you want the job, right? What do you do for a living? Do you answer honestly and get the wrong answer? Compromise your standards and get the right answer?

The problem with personality tests is that they are designed to compromise your standards while also determining whether or not you are willing to compromise your standards. This is a standard Catch-22 situation.

The bottom line from taking a personality test is that you WANT and NEED a job. Will you behave dishonestly and without integrity at work? I certainly HOPE not! If you want to keep that job you just compromised your standards for, then you’ll show how high your standards are by meeting them every day.

  • If you said you LIKE working with people, then show it.
  • If you said that you work well without much supervision, then do exactly that.
  • If the test asks if you are able to forgive people for making a small mistake, then don’t get discouraged at work.

The way I see it, you need to know HOW to take the personality test so you can GET the job. You may have to be a little less than honest to provide your future employer with the best possible employee.

I know, it’s wrong, but it’s standard hiring practice. Learn to take the test and you will do well once you are hired.

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