Many people have developed the notion in their minds that the only way to get a firm, ripped abs and achieve the six pack of your dreams is to do as many crunches as possible. If that doesn’t work, they buy some new kit they’ve seen on TV that they think contains the solution. Well, the simple fact is that there is no magic bullet for ripped abs; there are no special exercises or special machines that will reveal your hidden abs. The correct way to get a six pack lies in following some simple guidelines that will allow you to effectively burn excess fat around your stomach area. This helps you reveal your hidden abdominal muscles and allows your six pack to be visible. Essentially, you need to reduce your body fat to around 10% to see optimal results, and this can be quite a daunting task if you don’t know what you’re doing. Therefore, in this article I am going to give you a few tips and reveal the hidden secret that you should know if you want to get abs quickly and easily.

As mentioned above, you can work your abs forever, but they will never show up and be visible if there is a layer of fat covering them. The stomach area is where we store most of our fat, and unfortunately, it’s also the most stubborn area to lose fat. You could work your abs for months, doing countless inverted pushups, crunches, and crunches and chances are, in that time, you’ve built a handsome six-pack. But until you trim the fat off the top of the six pack, it will never be visible.

So how do we shed the fat around our six pack? Simply put, you’ll need to follow a good training system that exercises your entire body and, in turn, increases your overall metabolic rate. Increasing your metabolic rate is the key to success as it helps you burn the fat around your stomach at a much faster rate, even while resting. Now, the training system you follow should consist of a lot of cardiovascular work, some weight training, and you should incorporate a healthy balanced diet into your lifestyle. Amazingly, getting a six pack is only 5% exercise work and 95% dietary and cardiovascular work on your part. If you want to work out your abs, just do 30 reps of controlled sit-ups, 2 times a week and no more. If you want to work your lower abs, do some leg raises; 30 reps, once a week and that’s it, you don’t have to do any more abdominal exercises, it’s that easy.

Now the real results will start to show from the amount of cardiovascular work you do and the way you eat. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen” and that’s absolutely true as 90% of your results will show up in your overall diet. The best way to lose excess fat around your stomach would be to eat a diet that is high in protein, moderate in carbohydrates, and low in fat. Most importantly, you should be consuming all your carbs earlier in the day and having no carbs at least 4 hours before you sleep, as they won’t be used while you sleep and will, in turn, be stored as extra fat. It is also recommended to start eating 4-6 small meals throughout the day instead of eating the usual 3 big meals, this helps speed up your metabolism and you will shed that extra fat much faster. Lastly, I encourage you to drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses a day) as it helps detoxify your body and keeps you well hydrated.

So the secret to getting ripped abs fast lies in following a system that has a good mix of cardio, weight training, and fat loss dieting, then you could see a six pack in no time at all. Of course, it goes without saying that the harder you hit the weights and cardio, and the more disciplined you are with your diet; the faster you will achieve your goal. So what are you waiting for? Put your head down, evoke determination, and do your homework, believe me, when you can take off your shirt and see that amazing ripped six-pack, you’ll know it was worth the effort.

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