I just celebrated my birthday “I’m 26, again!”. In my reflections on my life, I keep asking myself if I would like to live to be 100 years old. I guess it would be a great achievement if I could live to that age and be in good mental and physical health. It is not an impossible achievement.

A study by the Department of Government Actuaries in Britain, tracking trends in death rates, found that a typical professional woman in her 20s is likely to live into her mid-90s. Women born within 20 years are in line to reach triple digits if current trends continue. Although the projected life expectancy of men is lower, the rates are increasing. Dr. Robert Butler, founder and president of the International Center for Longevity, says there are a number of reasons why people live longer periods of time. He says that “infectious and respiratory diseases that affect babies in the womb are constantly on the decline; more healthy babies are being born and that increases their longevity.” Advances in medicine and improvements in hygiene have increased our life expectancy. Centenarians are the fastest growing age group in the United States. There are currently about 54,000 centenarians in the United States, and there may be as many as 840,000 by 2050. 85 percent of that country’s centenarians are women. The fastest growing age group among the elderly population in Jamaica is the 60+ age group. Keisha Shakespeare-Blackmore, in an article published in the Gleaner on January 15, 2008, referred to a community of centenarians living in the Bellfield Hills, Manchester.

The following are some steps you can take to improve your health and longevity.

1. Food for thought

There are two basic theories of aging: oxidation reactions and suboptimal hormone levels. An oxidation reaction occurs when oxygen, which is essential for life, is burned, producing byproducts called free radicals. When an oxidation reaction occurs in metals such as iron, oxidation occurs. When this process occurs in people, it is called aging.

Regardless of age, fill your body with plenty of antioxidants, while doing everything you can to avoid oxidizing poisons. This is achieved with a balanced and healthy diet and taking supplements. In addition, there are specific substances that have been shown to have anti-aging benefits. They include resveratrol (in grapes, grape juice, and red wine); polyphenols found in blueberries, raspberries, and blueberries; walnuts; pomegranate and green tea. Supplementing and eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (oily fish, flaxseed, olive oil) may help prevent cognitive decline. (Cognition is the mental process of knowing, including things like awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.) Turmeric, a main ingredient in curry, also confers cognitive benefits. Its main component is the antioxidant-rich curcumin, which has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve learning and memory. Turmeric is also being studied for its ability to help treat Alzheimer’s disease. The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease among Indian adults aged 70-79 is among the lowest in the world.

2. Eat less food

Caloric restriction, the practice of restricting caloric intake while maintaining good nutritional status, ameliorates many aspects of age-related decline. According to researchers at the University of Washington, cutting back on calories by 300 to 500 a day—eliminating sugary snacks at coffee breaks and sodas at lunch—can slow the aging process.

3. Stay in shape

People aged 50 and over who engage in moderate or high levels of physical activity live longer and have less heart disease, according to a study that followed a group of men and women for more than 40 years. As we age, exercise keeps the body strong and flexible, increases blood supply to the brain, maintains bone density, and manages stress and anxiety. Any physical activity is better than none. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise three to five times a week.

4. Use it or lose it

Our brains need exercise. To stay alert and avoid cognitive decline, challenge your mind. Learn a new language, play a musical instrument, solve daily puzzles.

5. Balance your hormones

As we age, some of our hormones begin a sharp decline that closely parallels the onset of many visible signs and symptoms of aging. These hormones include human growth hormone, melatonin, DHEA, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. On the other hand, insulin levels tend to rise, leading to adult-onset diabetes in many older people. Hormone balance can be helpful in an antiaging program.

6. Don’t be afraid of the sun

Vitamin D plays a very important role in our health as we age. However, an increasing number of people around the world are deficient in it. Our bodies make vitamin D when we are exposed to sunlight. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to poor bone health, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. To protect against vitamin D deficiency, get 15 minutes of sun a day (no sunscreen). Dietary sources of vitamin D include salmon, tuna, eggs, and fortified dairy products.

7. Take a pill to relax

Anxiety is the enemy of longevity.

8. Passion for living

Purpose and passion for living are essential. Seniors need to keep busy and continue to give themselves a good reason to get out of bed each morning. While work is important, so is play. So stop and smell the roses.

9. Friends

Socializing, including keeping in touch with your friends and family, as well as being part of some kind of community, becomes more important as you get older. Social isolation in the elderly is a risk factor for stress, health problems and premature death.

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