It’s not easy being a solopreneur! With so many things to do on a daily basis, I’m always looking for new ways to save time and increase productivity.

If you’re using social media as a platform to market your business, then you know how time consuming it can be. Trying to maintain your presence and build your brand on numerous social networking sites is not an easy task. If I were to post updates to all of my profiles individually, multiple times a day, I wouldn’t have much time left to do other important things like eat or shower! After all, I wasn’t creating FURTHER time with our children and families one of the main reasons we decided to start a home-based business in the first place?

Scheduling posts in advance is a great way to keep up with your brand while allowing you to focus on other revenue-generating activities like content creation and product development. Automating your social media can also be helpful in creating the time needed to really be social! Think about it, you can be on Twitter providing services and building relationships (which should be the focus of your social media marketing) while productivity tools like Hootsuite and Buffer post your latest blog update or product offer to your other favorite networks. .

Productive fixation.

I don’t know about you, but it didn’t take me long to get absolutely addicted to Pinterest! He quickly became one of my biggest productivity killers. I could easily spend hours there, jotting down the most important hours of my “work day.” I also found myself pinning in large groups, which will eventually become irritating to your followers and could cause them to unfollow your boards. Luckily, I came across Pingraphy… from a Pinterest pin!

Pingraphy allows me to schedule my pins. It’s exactly the tool you needed to save time, post consistently throughout the day, reach more followers, and avoid mass pinning. The service is free and easy to use, just follow the 5 steps below.

1. Create an account.

Signing up for a Pingraphy account is effortless! Just submit your Pinterest email address and password.

2. Get the Pingraphy Bookmarklet.

Just drag and drop the pink pingraphy marker onto your toolbar. The Pingraphy bookmarklet works just like the Pin It button on Pinterest. When you find the content you want to share, click the bookmark to display all the pinnable images.

3. Select an image.

When images are displayed, they are all selected by default. To pin an image, click the deselect all button in the upper left corner, select the image you want to pin, and click next. If you want to schedule multiple pins, simply deselect the images you don’t want and click Next.

4. Select a board and add a description.

Choose which of your Pinterest boards you want to pin to from the dropdown box. Then, add a description of your pin to the description field. If SEO is important to your pin, make sure your description uses appropriate keywords. The URL field will automatically display the web address of the page you are anchoring from.

5. Program your PIN.

Click schedule, then click inside the time field to display the calendar. Select the date and time you want your pin to be published. You can specify your pin time down to the minute! Once you’ve set your time, click Done to close the calendar. Then click confirm. (If you are programming multiple pins, select the desired time interval between pins before clicking confirm.) Congratulations! Your pin is now programmed.

Now, get busy scheduling more pins and give your followers what they want…amazing content all the time!

amazing extras.

While the scheduling feature is definitely the star of the Pingraphy program, the value of the service doesn’t stop there.

You can view repins, likes, and comments by pin or by board from the Pingraphy dashboard. These analytics will allow you to see which of your pins are receiving the most engagement. Use this information to find out what your followers enjoy and give them more!

There is also a pin editing feature that allows you to enhance the image you are about to pin. It’s a basic editor, but you can crop, add text, and add effects to pinnable images. If you’re looking for a better tool to add a personal touch to your pins, give Pinstamatic a try. You can access Pingraphy’s image enhancer from the Select Board/Add Description page. Click the image enhancement link to the left of the URL field.

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