We all know that keeping your hands germ-free is the best way to avoid getting sick. Although the act of hand washing may seem simple enough, in reality, around 90% of people wash their hands improperly or use faulty hand sanitizers.

So how do you disinfect your hands properly? A recent study showed that when students used a hand sanitizer with less than 60% ethanol, there was no reduction in CFUs (colony forming units), meaning it was completely ineffective. However, after rubbing their hands for 15 seconds with a 62% alcohol hand sanitizer, nearly 90% of the germs were killed. So when you go shopping for a hand sanitizer from the supermarket, be sure to check the label to see if it has the correct alcohol content. Most store-bought hand gels are 60-90% alcohol, but some restaurants and businesses can buy cheap brands, which often only contain about 40%.

How to wash your hands properly? When washing your hands, always scrub with soap for at least 20 seconds and turn off the tap with a paper towel. A recent study showed that washing your hands with just tap water can reduce the amount of visible dirt on your hands, but it doesn’t reduce the number of germs on your skin. If you are not using soap, washing your hands does nothing.

Keeping your hands clean is the best way to prevent illness. It kills germs you have caught by touching other people, surfaces, and animals. Hands should be disinfected before meals, after using the bathroom, changing diapers, touching any body fluids (vomit, blood, saliva, etc.), touching animals or their toys and food, bandaging a wound, changing contact lenses and when they look dirty. If someone in the house is sick, their hands should be washed more often.

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