I am a single woman of a certain age and I have seen quite a few presidents. Some were effective, others were not. But there was always a respect for the office itself. People respect the president of the United States, as the British respect the queen. In the United States, the office has been sullied. It’s supposed to be the place where we choose the people who will serve our best interests. We are the people who pay the taxes.

We are also supposed to be a country of diversity and a melting pot of immigrants seeking a better life in America. This should not be a partisan issue but a bipartisan one.

This should be an America where everyone is welcome. Most immigrants want to legalize but cannot afford the representation or fees associated with achieving that goal.

Although I heard that the labor market has recovered, I can personally say that in my life it has not. I was a mortgage processor, and since the crisis it has been almost impossible to find a full-time job where I can pay my bills and maybe save for retirement. I’m single, I can’t imagine how a family makes ends meet. Due to the way the job market has changed, I had to think outside the box and start my own website. I also went back to school that the Workforce paid for when Obama was in office.

I am American and I am having trouble finding extra full-time work. I can’t imagine if I had to find a job without documentation. Where is the mercy? The jobs that most immigrants do, Americans would not do. I know from experience that they are the hardest working people. They appreciate what they have and are always smiling, even though they sometimes work more than 80 hours a week. I feel humiliated for them.

Since the election, the man in office has tried to decimate the office in every way possible. People who are working people who pay taxes and are being separated from their families after being in this country for years without committing any crime because the man in charge believes that all immigrants are murderers and deviants. How can you criticize people on Twitter just because they disagree with you?

The KKK is back and racism at an all time high. Is this our America now? Have we lost all humanity? We as a people have to go out and vote for our rights. Vote for health care that doesn’t cripple our wallets. Vote for a new tax deal that actually helps the middle class. We the people have the power. We are the voice of change. If not now when?

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