While doing my daily Npros.com search, I found out that another MLM organization was on the rise called Ampegy.

Ampegy distributors can reap a rich dividend from deregulating electricity and gas. Ampegy has been operating in 7 states for some time and is a partner of Spark Energy. As an agent, not only can you earn a commission from the energy audience you sign up with Spark Energy, but you can also earn a percentage of your entire team’s money – revenue, revenue stream!

One thing I look for in a network marketing corporation is whether their product will have to change consumer behavior. If buyer behavior changes, then there had better be some sort of distinctive selling proposition behind the product. The best thing about Ampegy is that you will not need to change the clothes of the consumers.

Another nifty thing about this corporation is that their energy bill is so extreme that the potential for residual income could be huge. You’re not trading a $40 bottle of super juice, we’re talking $100 plus energy debt every month!

The main flaw I see in this organization is the fact that they are only in 7 states. This could detrimentally slow down national and international progress. Specifically with the large number of people trying to sell on the net. If you’re building online like I am, then you would have to qualify business partners to make sure they only come from states that Sparks Energy is currently operating in.

In fact, even though I am in a state that has accessible Sparks Energy when I entered my zip code into the service locator, it said service was not possible in my area of ​​San Diego. Journal. This could surely disappoint potential leads and current reps.

There is a lower package to start at around $50. You have to enroll thirty clients in 6 months to qualify to make a bankroll. Or you can pay $400 and start at the money level. Each position requires you to pay a maintenance fee of twenty dollars for administration and web hosting services.

I believe that anyone with drive and ambition can make money with this organization. As with any network marketing business opportunity, most of your seed money and leverage comes from sponsoring business partners. To consistently sponsor business partners, you should talk to 3-5 people a day about your Ampegy business opportunity.

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