There are many recent books that explain the law of attraction very well. Most people don’t realize that the law of attraction always works. Millions of books have been sold explaining the subject, but few people are making the law of attraction work for them.

If it were really as simple as some would have you believe, everyone would be living their perfect lives. Students of the law of attraction who are still trying to master the law generally understand it intellectually. They just need to prove it to themselves. Getting multiple authors’ views on the topic can often provide the necessary proof.

Students of the law of attraction can surround themselves with writings on the law of attraction dating back over 100 years. The more obvious site classics like “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D Wattles. The book was the basis for the hit movie “The Secret” and most of Bob Proctor’s career has been based on the teachings of that book.

Another law of attraction classic is “Thought Vibration or The Law of Attraction in The Thought World” by William W Atkinson. The book is not as well known as Wattles’s book, but for some who have difficulty with the law of attraction, the introduction of the word “vibration” may help their understanding. The word “vibration” was used several times in the movie “The Secret” before it was removed. The censors felt that it seemed to link the law of attraction with the occult.

Plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz’s 1960 book Psycho-Cybernetics is often overlooked for the law of crowd attraction. The book is about the importance of self-image. Dr. Maltz realized that as a plastic surgeon he could remove a scar or other disfigurement, but some people still felt the same way. The author came to understand that many more people had internal scars in their own image than external scars that he could remove.

Maltz realized that people needed to change the way they saw themselves in order to feel truly different. All they really had to do was change their minds to change their lives.

Change your thoughts to change your life. Sound familiar to students of the law of attraction? Psycho-Cybernetics is full of real life examples. Some of the author’s examples are titans of American industry who have left lasting legacies that today’s reader will know.

Much of making the law of attraction work for you instead of against you has to do with proving it to yourself. That is why few people are able to implement the law of attraction in a positive way after reading a book. It is often said that the path to mastering the law of attraction is a true journey. Psychocybernetics should be part of that journey.

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