Perhaps you have recently changed jobs; your new job does not have an inclusive health/life insurance option, unlike your old job. Or maybe you’ve never worried about life/medical insurance? None of us is getting any younger; maybe you just got married or even have a little one on the way. The truth is that it is always a good time to get some health insurance, whatever your age or marital status. This little guide will show you some of the options and some reasons why this is a good option.

It’s simple?

Most things related to insurance seem very complicated and they don’t have to be. Let’s look at a guide to the four main health plan categories for insurance.

indemnity insurance

Indemnity is the oldest form of health insurance; It will take care of your basic needs, but you will have a limit. If you need extensive surgery and the cost is very high; then most likely your indemnity policy will not cover it. It may cover a percentage, check the limits and options available to you when looking for this type of policy.

Health Maintenance Organization Insurance

With this type of coverage, you can relax knowing that most of your health problems will be covered. But you will be restricted to hospitals and doctors that are connected to your health plan. The policy is not expensive and is a good option if you prefer.

Preferred Provider Organization

This will also take care of your health problems, but you will have to make a small payment for each visit you make. You must refer to the list of preferred providers; if they meet your approval, then you should consider this option.

service point

The POS plan gives you more options compared to the possibilities already discussed. It can work very similar to the HMO plan; so it is necessary to make a small payment for each visit. Or you can choose to treat POS as an indemnity plan if you need a more extensive list of hospital and doctor options.


This is a very important factor to consider when looking for health insurance plans. You should read carefully and compare the amount of emergency care that is provided. Some plans will pay for all the care; others will only foot the fifty percent bill. In general, the cheapest plans will pay a lower percentage for emergency care. And let’s be honest, emergency care was probably the main reason you’re looking for a health plan in the first place.

Is there a better time to get one?

The best time to get a health insurance plan is when you don’t really think you need it. You may feel very fit and healthy; he exercises regularly and does not smoke or drink. But you never know when something unexpected could happen to you or your loved ones. So please don’t leave it too late, why not start looking right away?

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