morning cleaning

Everyone has experienced the mornings when you arrive at work, turn on your computer, and your inbox is instantly flooded with spam emails offering you products like herbal Viagra. Despite the enhanced security measures like spam filters that are now available for your PC, they don’t always work, meaning you’re constantly in the laborious task of having a clean morning.

Don’t always believe what you read

Experts say that one of the most prominent reasons for rising levels of medical spam is the fact that people actually buy the advertised products. Certain pills on the market claim to cure problems such as:

Hair loss
erectile dysfunction

Also, products meant to help with weight loss are being sold every day through spam. However, pills often contain few or none of the ingredients that trigger the desired effect. In the worst cases, customers experienced unpleasant side effects, for example a woman from Sunderland diagnosed herself with chronic fatigue, so she did not order prescription steroids from the internet. However, in February she had to go to the emergency room due to her deteriorating eyesight, where doctors discovered that the steroids had caused cataracts and glaucoma. Doctors have since done an internet search and found that 1,000 similar tablets can be bought for £25.23. Given that the prices of such drugs are so low, it is not always surprising that people fall into the trap of believing what they read.

Herbal Viagra proving particularly popular

Impotence can be a very difficult thing for men to deal with and particularly difficult to discuss, so it’s understandable why, if there are ways to treat it subtly and without having to officially prescribe drugs, they would go that route. Herbal Viagra is often marketed at a much lower price than prescription Viagra and claims to have the same effects. However, according to a Dublin man who responded to a Viagra herbal supplement spam ad, the effects were excellent and he did not experience any side effects. There are obvious risks involved when buying herbal Viagra from spam ads as you can’t always be sure what you’re getting into, however this doesn’t mean you can’t get legitimate herbal Viagra tablets of the web.

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