Well, we’ll give you plenty of hints and tips on Review Day associated with your ITIL training course, but you benefit from repetition:

You’ll hear this said a million times (well, maybe not that many, but do you get the picture?

Read The Flippin Question.

Answer the Flippin’ Question: Answer the question that was asked, not the one you prepared for your answer, which wasn’t. Though it’s hard to hear that he’s not going to get a question asking him to write down everything he knows about problem management!

Ronseal is the answer… you know, it does exactly what it says on the tin!

Don’t forget the case study
Most of the questions on the ITIL managers exam are related to a cse study. If the answers are related to a case study, remember to refer to it. The examiner wants to know if you can apply your knowledge of service management to a given situation.

Focus and breadth
While bullet points are a quick and efficient method of earning half points, earning full points usually requires a benefit statement to support each bullet point.

Examiners aren’t stupid… but assume they are!
put etc at the end of a list does not convince the examiner to give it an additional score.
To get full marks, be sure to clearly link the justifications to the points you raise.
For example, a CMDB will improve incident management by providing accurate data to speed incident resolution.

Take off your work hat…and put on your ITIL Manager hat!

Although you will be tempted to draw on your own life experience if you are not ITIL compliant, you could be heading for a downfall! Use real life experience to demonstrate knowledge, as long as it supports what you have learned in the classroom.

It is an ITIL ® exam
Use ITIL terminology and phrases.

Time management
Spend an amount of time on each part of an answer that is proportional to the available marks.

And that?
Don’t leave your point in any doubt. Apply the So what? Test before the examiner does. Turn features/facts into benefits derived from your suggestions. For example, incident volumes will decrease, leading to higher availability and satisfied customers.

Bullets and blanks
White space is good, long stretches of text without clear breaks are not!
Use numbers or bullet points at the bottom of the page, allowing you to go back to complete supporting statements as you remember them.

plan your responses
Plans are good, at least if you run out of time you can submit your plan and you can get some ratings. Look for clues in the wording of the question and frame your answer. For example, if you are asked about issues with implementing a problem management process, write down the key steps in the process and look for an issue for each feature that would mitigate the benefits.

If you are asked, for example, about the pros and cons, list them side by side. Each Pro can make you realize a Con and vice versa.

Be precise in your interpretation of what is required. If asked for Benefits, provide benefits, not problems. If you are asked for a report or job description, do not list the process steps, create a report format if it is a report, or list responsibilities within the job description. Here are some of our best exam tips, we can give you many more on your course and review days.

What our students say…

“…Both ITIL trainers were good communicators. Both trainers were excellent. They encouraged and cajoled, but never intimidated. Exactly the right balance of carrot and stick approach. Handled very professionally in every way. Thank you. Very sensitive to delegates’ concerns about examinations.

“As well as accepting my thanks, could you pass it on to Janet and everyone else at Sysop for helping me pass the exam? Neither exam seemed particularly good to me at the time, so it’s a very nice surprise and not a surprise.” Bad way to start the day. I’ll probably stop smiling sometime next week!”

Any questions?
…then just get in touch. The Sysop team is always happy to help discuss your training needs, exam support, or provide advice on any aspect of ITIL Service Management.

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