Landscaping Right For Your Investment Property

Should I design my investment property? I mean, isn’t it a waste of money to plant flowers, plums, water the lawn, etc.? There are many aspects of property management that are not glamorous, exciting, or necessarily exhilarating. After the adrenaline rush of acquisition has worn off in the not too distant past, there’s the day-to-day …

The Cutting Edge – Observation of a Maasai male circumcision ceremony

It is night. Not just any night, but “bush” night, which means the only light is the flickering flames of fire and the dim, steady glow from the few kerosene lamps around the camp. we drink our chai (tea) and kahuaa (coffee) to warm our insides against the wind that sweeps across the plains of …

Jobs on drilling rigs: how do you know if the job offer is real?

Wherever and whenever money enters the picture, you should expect to find misinformation and scams. recruitment for drilling work as well as other jobs in the oil and gas industry is no exception. How do you know if the job advertised on a job website is real? How do you even know if the website …