
What puzzles me is the different responses I have received from various of God’s ministers who have read Beyond Babylon – to him and me – before and after Dennis Leap’s PARTIAL review! (Malachi 2:9).

When I faithfully sent a computer disk with my book to Minister Wayne Turgeon, he graciously read it all and replied:

“Oh how I admire those who have both the skill to write and the courage to put their ideas on paper! I felt you have a very exciting writing style that uses twists and turns of words or phrases to get your point across.” the scriptures you referenced and it became clear that you really have spent a lot of time on your Bible. Being a Jew, I think, gives you an additional perspective that you could never have…Much of what you have written is not ‘new revelation’ as I am sure you agree…It is certainly not my place to determine if it is. what you think God has shown you is true or not, but would you mind presenting Mr. Flurry with an abridged version of what you feel is inspired…since I highly doubt he will have time to read your entire book.”

What do you mean it’s not your place to determine if what I wrote is true or not? God holds each INDIVIDUAL responsible for prayerfully determining whether or not something is from God! How do we show Malachi’s Message was it biblical? Do we rely solely on our minister’s assessment? Everyone again?

Mind you, unlike Mr. Armstrong’s lengthy manuscript of nearly 300 typed pages, Beyond Babylon it’s only half that size, literally! I suggested to Gerald Flurry that he read the first and last chapters. Mr. Turgeon told me that Flurry gave it back to him and said something like, “He always sends us stuff.”

I have written short letters to the point, such as correcting him about Mount Hermon and Mount Carmel after he continued to confuse the two in various articles. I know them because it has hurt me to have lived next to both of them. Mr. Turgeon also wrote that I was a little “too radical” for Mr. Flurry and wondered what he had said or done that had given him that impression. I explained that it is because I was offended by his negligent condemnation of those religious Jews who want the Temple built as “extremists.” I wrote that it is extremist for secular and humanist Jews to oppose turning the Promised Land into the Holy Land!

Flurry was shocked and had also written against the STRONG EMOTIONS that some feel about Jerusalem and Israel. How could God use someone so distant back there?! Some of us have a GOD-GIVEN LOVE for Jerusalem and a genuine passion for Judah that is very personal; we are not a stranger in OUR Homeland! (Psalm 102:14; Psalm 137; Isaiah 62). That’s not “radical”, it’s BIBLICAL!

Minister Carl Craven also read Beyond Babylon and recognized it as biblical. He said that he had not searched all the Scriptures, but that he was sure that if he had, they too would be used correctly. I commented that I know it’s biblical, but he was just hoping that headquarters would prove it to themselves as well. He expressed his understanding of how difficult it is to be patient in the meantime. When Dennis Leap called, it was to instruct me to STAY HOME FROM SATURDAY SERVICES while he looked at the book! I did not remember such an unusual request being made to Mr. Armstrong, and I recognized that he was going against “innocent until proven guilty” but bound in the hope of returning soon (John 7:51).

“Don’t prophesy!”

After a while, I called Mr. Leap. He said that he had read PARTS of the book, and that it did not matter whether Mr. Flurry had read it or not (although I had been led to believe that he would pass it on to him). He said, “You use some pretty strong language there,” to which I replied, “But it’s biblical, isn’t it?” “Well, yes, but…” He also pointed out, as did Mr. Turgeon, that most of it is what we already teach. I agreed and said that that should serve as a GOOD SIGN, but that the NEW REVELATION on the Two Witnesses and Europe is firmly built on that foundation.

Dennis Leap found it difficult to accept that a LAY MEMBER would write such a book. He admitted that Flurry had received fragments of revelation from lay members, but NEVER a complete book! He did not want to be judged on the above, but on whether or not what he had written was biblical. If he was in error, then it was his duty to show me clearly where FROM THE BIBLE, as Aquilla and Priscilla helped improve the understanding of Apollos (Acts 18:26).

They informed me that if I wanted to return to the services, I would have to forget Beyond Babylon, act like a “regular lay member”, and basically deny that it was from God! Like Mr. Armstrong, he had PROVEN that what he had written was TRUE. Actually, Leap didn’t say he wasn’t or try to refute it.

I told Mr. Leap I didn’t want to play politics. By insisting that I must be a MINISTER to write such a book, he was still looking for MEN OF STature! And since I’m not, he demanded that “DO NOT PROPHESY!” (Amos 2:12).

He got very angry when I brought this up and said that he was severing all ties between me and the PCG, and that he shouldn’t claim any association with the PCG. He Said I was now free to go and do what God wanted me to do with BB and not to care if he or Mr. Flurry had read it or not! When I expressed the hope of reconciliation, he replied that we could do it when he repented. About what? OBEY GOD INSTEAD OF MAN? Is that “rebellion”?

Mr. Armstrong WAS NOT an ordained minister either when he wrote what he felt GOD wanted him to share! The Identity Doctrine was also not so much a new truth as a new way of presenting it. I’m sure he didn’t let those two points stop him! It is not like this? So I was UNFAIRLY EXCLUDED for believing God used me to write a book, and FRAMED for exposing the facts about Mr. Leap’s insanity!

Will Dennis Leap stop being jealous of what God wants me to offer (1 Samuel 2:29)? Will Gerald Flurry SHALL HONOR GOD more than man, and he will recognize Beyond Babylon belongs to God and HIS Church? (II Sam. 19:5-7; Galatians 2:9). Will Flurry stand up for God’s Word again or will he try to support Leap and Fall with it? (Isaiah 22:19). Did God eliminate Mr. Amos so that Dennis Leap could be used to test us all? (Nahum 1:11). WHY IS THE BIBLE OUT OF THE PICTURE? (In The Philadelphia Trumpet photo of Mr. Flurry). Does Mr. Flurry feel like he’s got it done now? (1 Corinthians 10:12). A picture is worth a thousand words!

There are no cowards in the Kingdom!

May God give COURAGE to his people! If they are AFRAID to question Dennis Leap’s serious actions, how can God expect them to stand up to the world (Jeremiah 12:5; Revelation 21:8)? God is sick of flatterers and tired of the timid! We must be bold as lions (Daniel 11:32)! We’re supposed to be ready to die for each other, No betray and abandon each other! Too often, however, the family of faith has lost its warm and loving environment to an intimidating atmosphere of fear and oppression (Jeremiah 12:6). It’s bad enough when you can’t trust your own family (Jeremiah 9:4). Brethren turning to “authorities” for the wrong reasons and maliciously informing others (1 Cor. 5:8). How COLD AT HEART (Matt. 10:32-40).

God pronounces WOE to those who support erroneous judgments (Isa. 5:32) and CONDEMNS IT as an ABOMINATION (Prov. 17:15). speak against selling someone to gain an advantage (Ex. 23:8). those who have become achievements to CHARACTER MURDER not only have they abandoned a member of the Church, they are guilty of BETRAYING CHRIST! (Exodus 20:16; Matthew 10:33). In reality, it is God’s law that they have rejected and his Word that they have despised (Isaiah 5:24). You cannot treat someone with so much hate and deceive God because you love him (1 John 4:20). You can turn your back on a brother, but you will FACE GOD (Mark 9:42)!

Whether it was sold to curry favor with a minister, or to stay in an organization or position, that “blood money” WILL COST YOU YOUR LIFE! God WILL JUDGE SUCH PEOPLE (if they do not repent) and cast them down from their high and mighty imaginations and lofty positions (Isaiah 22:15-19; Deuteronomy 32:36). For those bent on JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS blindly, acting like GOOD NAZIS, God is going to hand you over to Europe! If that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get!

Father knows best!

Also Many are still looking mens to save them! Is it up to Gerald Flurry to decide who will enter the Kingdom of God? Of course not, and he would agree, but brothers, it’s just as BLASPHEMOUS to believe that it’s up to him or any other MAN to decide who gets to go to Petra. Which minister was crucified for you? (1 Corinthians 1:12-13; 3:3-9). What last name were you baptized with? If GOD put you in HIS Church, can any man take you out? If God gave you the Holy Spirit from him, can any minister take it away from you? If God finds you worthy to escape, can anyone prevent it? (Luke 21:36). WHOSE APPROVAL ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? (John 9:22; 13:42-43).

Are you not willing to be like Jesus, who was abandoned by everyone? Are you unwilling to follow Jesus out of the camp, bearing his reproach and suffering his shame? (Hebrews 13:12-13; 2 Timothy 1:8). Those who put an IDOLATOUS TRUST in ministers or politicians are going to find that they cannot deliver! (Deuteronomy 32:36-39; Hosea 13:10). Mortals cannot save or protect you. Also, if you just try to save your skin, you will lose your skin! Only Jesus Christ can offer salvation, and only those whom the FATHER finds worthy will escape. It does not depend on any general pastor or minister. Many of them will be slaughtered with HIS sheep! (1 Corinthians 9:27; Isaiah 46:2).

If God could provide the “travel arrangements” for Enoch, Elijah and Philip – INDIVIDUALS – can’t He take care of you? (Acts 8:39; Revelation 12:6; Jeremiah 3:14). God will not forget you or leave you behind (Heb. 6:10; Isa. 49:15). He knows the scattered condition of his saints and the reasons why, and he promises us, “I will seek what is lost, and bring what is cast, and bind up what is broken, and strengthen what is sick.” … “(Ezekiel 34:16). The Good Shepherd does not abandon his flock!

God’s Two Witnesses will SOON take the stand! They will testify before a WORLD COURT, and it will be familiar to many, having read about it in Beyond Babylon! It is biblical that as surely as Europe is on the rise, so are God’s star witnesses (Isaiah 60:1). But when have proud and stubborn RELIGIOUS LEADERS accepted the changing of the guard or the coming of God (Rev. 11:8)? Sardis did not. Joseph Tkach did not. Will Gerald Flurry PASS THE BATTON gracefully to the Two Witnesses? Or will history repeat itself? We’ll see!

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