When lodged in the human body, probiotics are thought to be helpful. They are intended to be administered in adequate amounts and not in excess so that they confer optimal health benefit.

Some of the side effects are listed below: muscle tenderness, muscle pain and body aches, as well as fever. It is also possible to get infections in the upper part of the respiratory tract. This particular type is similar to the common cold. Of all probiotic users, at most 4.3 percent have been found to develop these infections. Related side effects include the flu and a sinus infection. Both are experienced by a possible total of 4.8% of probiotic users.

Some patients also experience joint pain after using probiotics. Although it is not serious, it can cause concern since there are known diseases whose main symptoms have to do with joint pain. Arthritis is one of them. With probiotic-related joint pain, there is nothing to worry about as it only lasts for a while. If you are going to continue with probiotics, it would be advisable to seek a separate joint treatment to avoid continued distress. Of all probiotic users, only 3% show signs of joint pain.

4.1% of users are at risk of developing diarrhoea. You should be aware that many side effects of this drug are related in one way or another to the digestive tract. It is possible to experience diarrhea after using probiotics. Actually, there is a mode of treatment where the drug is used specifically to induce the same diarrhea. Mainly, this is intended to cleanse the tract.

While the natural residence of probiotics is in the large intestine, due to their activities, menopausal women are known to develop urinary tract infections. Sometimes they also get vaginitis. These women have to resort to antibiotics to treat their infections while still taking probiotics. In some cases, the infections can be so severe that the doctor advises stopping the use of the medicine.

Your body’s metabolic process may be affected enough to leave the immune system stimulated. When the immune system is stimulated, there is a risk of developing problems related to overprotection within the body.

Fatigue is also reported to be the most experienced side effect by 2.8% of users. This is not such a strange reaction. Some diseases are capable of inducing fatigue on their own and it shouldn’t be a scary thing when you consider using probiotics. In any case, tiredness suggests that a deeply involved process has diverted the use of energies in your body.

When you understand these side effects, it should be easy to decide when a medication is working for you or against you.

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